1 - the Help sucks
2 - it's so slow
3 - Simple Actions are useless, click on Java
4 - you're at the 3GL level all the time except when you want to be
5 - that's really really really hard to do in SilverStream
6 - you can't use javadoc
14 - the Designer's locked up
15 - the Designer's using all the CPU
16 - the Designer's using all the memory
17 - use Task Manager to kill the Designer
18 - the Server's locked up
19 - the Server's using all the CPU
20 - the Server's using all the memory
21 - use Task Manager to kill the Server
22 - the Server won't start
23 - reboot NT
29 - everyone take a break, I'm going to resynch the database
30 - you need more RAM
31 - the day sure goes by fast when you 23 every few minutes
32 - that doesn't work in SilverStream
33 - I had to write my own
34 - nobody's asked that on the newsgroups
35 - nobody's answered that on the newsgroups
36 - I don't think anybody's tried that before
37 - I told you, 32, but you weren't listening
38 - Fulcrum sucks
39 - the debugger sucks
41 - you can't do that with a SilverStream view
42 - try creating a database view to fool SilverStream
43 - you can't put SQL in a SilverStream where clause
44 - you can't use real SQL any more
45 - the Expression Builder sucks
46 - Uncle SilverStream Knows Best
50 - hosed the server
51 - OK, who 50
52 - oops, I 50
68 - SilverStream isn't for programmers, it's for investment bankers
69 - how can a group that wrote such a cool program write such a bad one
72 - that would be easy with a DataWindow
73 - that would be easy in PowerBuilder
74 - that would be easy in PowerJ
75 - how much does Jaguar cost
78 - SilverStream doesn't work with [fill in product name: e.g., 79]
79 - Oracle
81 - I'm screwed
82 - you're screwed
83 - we're all screwed
84 - maybe that's a bug in the VM
85 - maybe that's a bug in SilverStream
97 - maybe that will be in the beta
98 - maybe that will be in the next release
99 - what a kludge