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Breck Carter
Last modified: October 21, 1999
mail to: bcarter@bcarter.com

Tip 90: UltraLite Lite

13 - Create the Conduit Registry Entries

You must update the Windows registry with information about the conduit used by your application, including the Creator ID.

  1. The Conduit Configuration program condcfg.exe may be used for part of the work, and it is available for download from both Sybase and Palm Computing
    (see Section 4 - The Download List).

    Conduit Configuration - Add New Entry

  2. Click on Add to display the Conduit Information window, then fill it in as follows (where "xxxx" is replaced in two locations with the Creator Id; e.g., ULL1):

    • Conduit Type: Application
    • Conduit: dbhsync6
    • Creator ID: xxxx
    • Directory: ulldemo1
    • Remote Database: ultralite_synch_xxxx
    • Name: ulldemo1
    • Priority: 2
    • Information: MobiLink Conduit

    Conduit Configuration - New Entry Information

  3. Press OK to save the conduit registry entries.

  4. Sadly, we're not done messing around with the registry; more stuff must be added using the Registry Editor:

    • C:\WINDOWS\REGEDIT.EXE on Windows 95


  5. Find the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - U.S. Robotics - Pilot Desktop - Applicationx, where x is some number that's been assigned to the new registry entry by condcfg.exe.

    Note: On your machine the U.S. Robotics folder might be called Palm Computing instead.

    Registry after initial setup using condcfg.exe

  6. You can edit the registry entries directly in the Registry Editor, but you can also export the entries to a text file, edit that file with Notepad or Wordpad, and then import the file back into the registry.

    First, use the Registry Editor menu option Registry - Export Registry File... to create the file registry_after_condcfg.reg:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop\Application4]
    "Information"="MobiLink Conduit"

  7. Next, add the 9 lines starting with "Integrate"=dword:00000000 to the file.

    The first three new lines are required to tell the conduit how to connect to the database.

    The rest are optional; they tell the conduit to write all sorts of trace information to an output file called ulldemo1_dbhsync.log:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop\Application4]
    "Information"="MobiLink Conduit"

  8. Finally, import that file back into the Registry Editor via the menu option Registry - Import Registry File...

    Now the entries look like this, and the conduit's ready to run:

    Registry after final changes

    Note: The Creator value placed in the registry by condcfg.exe is simply the hexadecimal representation of the Creator ID: 55 4c 4c 31 instead of ULL1. In other words, you can build the whole thing by hand if you want.

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