Question: Can Java objects be indexed?
Yes, within reason. Figure 1 shows the source code
for a simple Java class containing two fields: string1 and integer1.
Figure 1:
public class IndexDemo {
public String string1 ;
public java.lang.Integer integer1 ;
IndexDemo () { // Constructor 1
string1 = " ";
integer1 = new java.lang.Integer ( 0 );
IndexDemo ( String inString1, // Constructor 2
int inInteger1
) {
string1 = inString1;
integer1 = new java.lang.Integer ( inInteger1 );
public String toString() {
return string1 + ": " + integer1.toString();
public int compareTo( IndexDemo anotherIndexDemo ) {
// Compare first on the basis of counter
// and then on the basis of toString()
java.lang.Integer lVal = integer1;
java.lang.Integer rVal = anotherIndexDemo.integer1;
if ( lVal.intValue() > rVal.intValue() ) {
return 1;
else if (lVal.intValue() < rVal.intValue() ) {
return -1;
else {
return toString().compareTo( anotherIndexDemo.toString() );
Figure 2 shows a table java_index_demo with a primary key plus three other
columns that each have an index defined:
The JIndexDemo column is a Java object, and the index ix_JIndexDemo
relies on the toString and compareTo methods to support index operations
on a multi-field Java object as a whole.
The compute_integer1 column is a SQL INTEGER which uses the new COMPUTE
column constraint to define it as a read-only computed column based on a reference to
the integer1 field within JIndexDemo. This computed column is used to create the
ix_compute_integer1 index.
The ordinary_integer column is an ordinary SQL INTEGER used to create the
ix_ordinary_integer index.
Figure 2: Create Object Indexes
CREATE TABLE java_index_demo
JIndexDemo IndexDemo NOT NULL,
compute_integer1 INTEGER COMPUTE ( JIndexDemo >> integer1 )
ordinary_integer INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( pkey ) );
ON java_index_demo ( JIndexDemo );
CREATE INDEX ix_compute_integer1
ON java_index_demo ( compute_integer1 );
CREATE INDEX ix_ordinary_integer
ON java_index_demo ( ordinary_integer );
Computed fields are necessary because indexes must be defined on columns,
not expressions. In other words, it's OK to create an index
on JIndexDemo or compute_integer1
but not on JIndexDemo >> integer1; the following statement is invalid:
CREATE INDEX ix_integer1
ON java_index_demo ( JIndexDemo >> integer1 );
Figure 4 shows four SELECTs with the resulting PLANs
which show how the various indexes are used.
The first SELECT uses one of the IndexDemo constructors to specify an object
instance to compare with JIndexDemo, and the PLAN proves that ix_JIndexDemo is used.
The second SELECT specifies compute_integer1 in the WHERE clause,
and not surprisingly the PLAN shows that ix_compute_integer1 is used.
The third SELECT refers to JIndexDemo.integer1 in the WHERE clause,
and this time the PLAN is surprising: the same index ix_compute_integer1 is used,
showing that the optimizer has done its job well.
The fourth SELECT simply shows that ix_ordinary_integer is used for a query
involving the ordinary_integer column.
Figure 3: Using Object Indexes
select *
from java_index_demo
where JIndexDemo = NEW IndexDemo ( 'A333', 333 );
// PLAN> java_index_demo (ix_JIndexDemo)
select *
from java_index_demo
where compute_integer1 = 333;
// PLAN> java_index_demo (ix_compute_integer1)
select *
from java_index_demo
where JIndexDemo.integer1 = 333;
// PLAN> java_index_demo (ix_compute_integer1)
select *
from java_index_demo
where ordinary_integer = 333;
// PLAN> java_index_demo (ix_ordinary_integer)