Breck Carter
Last modified: July 22, 1996
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Tuning PowerScript - A Case Study

The last time I tried to make gravy the result was too watery, so I added some flour. Then it was too thick so in went more water. Now it was watery again, and tasteless too, so more flour and meat stock and mushrooms and spices were added. This cycle was repeated until I had a gallon of gruel and decided to give up cooking altogether.

Some time ago I helped optimize a PowerBuilder application designed to solve a similar problem, "If we put this in the pot, what will be the result?" The pot was a smelter and the things that went into it were pieces of metal alloy of varying but known composition. For example, if 100 kilograms of alloy containing 98.5% aluminum were added to 100 kilograms of 99.5% aluminum, the result would be 200 kilograms that was 99% pure.

No one needs a computer to solve an example that simple, but in real life they were adding many pieces to the pot, each containing up to 26 different elements in varying proportions. These pieces came from different sources, all the way from pure hot metal to recycled scrap, plus the mysteriously named “heels”, “sows”, “pucks” and “logs”. Each piece was weighed and its composition was analyzed and stored in a database so that the final composition of a batch containing all these pieces could be calculated ahead of time.

This calculation was important because each batch had a customer who was expecting a specific target composition. The final result was analyzed too, but if it wasn’t right, and if the pot was now full of metal, some would have to be poured out and other pieces added in a second attempt to get it right. While they would save these outpourings to use as raw material for future batches (unlike the gravy I poured down the drain to make room for more flour), it was regarded as a waste of time and energy.

All these calculations had to be done in more-or-less real time by users standing next to fuming pots of molten metal, and they wanted to know if the pieces they’d chosen would produce success. The trouble was that it was taking several minutes for the PowerBuilder application to spit out the answer. And that’s where I came in, in my role as Forensic Programmer.

Figure 1 shows a simplified view of the piece and element tables. Each row in the piece table is identified by the batch and piece within the batch, and contains the piece’s weight and an field identifying its chemical analysis. The analysis table is keyed by analysis id and element (aluminum, iron, etc.), and each row contains the proportion (purity) of that element as measured by this particular analysis process. In the simple example above, the piece table would contain two rows with the same batch id but different piece ids, weights and analysis ids. The analysis table would contain rows with two different analysis ids (for the two different pieces), and one row for each element found in each piece.

Figure 1: Piece and Element Analysis Tables

For various (and legitimate) reasons, embedded SQL was used instead of DataWindows to retrieve this information. A straightforward row-oriented approach had been used: for each piece, the analysis table was queried for each element that was required in the final composition. If that element existed in this piece, its proportion in the piece was used to adjust the final proportion. Missing elements were treated as “zero purity” and also affected the final composition.

So where was the time going? Two nested cursor fetch loops were used, one using Format 3 dynamic SQL to get the pieces and the other Format 4 to look for elements. I don’t know about you, but outside of the PowerBuilder sample application I’d never even seen Format 4 SQL let alone used it myself. So it took a while before I noticed something even more unusual: the Format 4 cursor was being opened and closed with each fetch, 26 times, inside the inner “get next element for this piece” loop.

In other words, the inner fetch was based on a singleton select rather than a result set. Common sense indicated that a single result set containing 10 elements (a common number) would be more efficient 26 separate selects of which 10 would return a single row and the other 16 fail. A simple timing test proved that while Format 4 SQL might be very powerful, using it to seek individual rows can consume a lot of time.

Listing 1 shows a sample of code that was used to measure the time taken before and after optimization. Listing 2 shows the pseudo-code for the original nested-fetch implementation, and Listing 3 shows a simplified but working version of the actual code. The word “simplified” might seem too strong a term because it’s still pretty complex stuff; nevertheless, the actual script contained even more logic that’s been removed for the purpose of this article.

Listing 1: Measuring CPU Time

   long ll_start_msec
   long ll_elapsed_msec
   ll_start_msec = CPU()

   ...long running script code

   ll_elapsed_msec = CPU() - ll_start_msec
   MessageBox ( "Time", &
      string ( ll_elapsed_msec, &
      "#####0" ) + " msec." )

Listing 2: Nested Fetch Pseudo-Code

   outer cursor = select weight, analysis_id
      from piece where batch_id = ?
   inner cursor = select purity from analysis
      where analysis_id = ? and element_id = ?
   open outer cursor
   fetch first row from outer cursor
   do while there is another row
      accumulate batch weight
      for each of 26 elements of interest
         open inner cursor // OUCH!!!
         fetch single row from inner cursor
         if fetch worked
            accumulate element proportion
            adjust proportion downwards
         end if
         close inner cursor // OUCH!!!
      fetch next row from outer cursor
   close outer cursor

Listing 3: Nested Fetch Script

   // Function Arguments:
   // string  as_batch_id
   //    The batch of interest.
   // string  as_element_id[]
   //    The 26 elements of interest.
   // decimal ac_total_weight
   //    Accumulates the batch weight.
   // decimal ac_total_purity[]
   //    Accumulates element proportions.

   DynamicStagingArea ldsa_piece
   DynamicStagingArea ldsa_analysis
   string             ls_analysis_id
   string             ls_piece_select
   string             ls_analysis_select
   decimal            lc_piece_weight
   decimal            lc_total_weight
   decimal            lc_piece_purity
   decimal            lc_total_purity
   integer            li_element_ctr
   integer            li_element_ct

   // Outer cursor retrieves pieces in a batch.
   ldsa_piece = create DynamicStagingArea
   declare piece_cursor &
      dynamic cursor for ldsa_piece;
   ls_piece_select &
      = "select weight, analysis_id " &
      + "from piece " &
      + "where batch_id = '" + as_batch_id +"'"
   prepare ldsa_piece &
      from :ls_piece_select using SQLCA;

   // Inner cursor looks for a single element.
   ldsa_analysis = create DynamicStagingArea
   declare analysis_cursor &
      dynamic cursor for ldsa_analysis;
   ls_analysis_select &
      = "select purity from analysis " &
      + "where analysis_id = ? " &
      + "and element_id = ?"
   prepare ldsa_analysis &
      from :ls_analysis_select using SQLCA;
   describe ldsa_analysis into SQLDA;

   // Start processing pieces.
   open dynamic piece_cursor;
   if  ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 ) &
   and ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 100 ) then
      MessageBox ( "Error", "Open 1" )
      halt close
   end if
   fetch piece_cursor &
      into :lc_piece_weight, :ls_analysis_id;
   if  ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 ) &
   and ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 100 ) then
      MessageBox ( "Error", "Fetch 1" )
      halt close
   end if

   do while SQLCA.SQLCode = 0

      // Accumulate batch weight.
      lc_total_weight = ac_total_weight
      ac_total_weight &
         = ac_total_weight + lc_piece_weight

      // Look for elements in analysis.
      SetDynamicParm ( SQLDA, 1, &
         ls_analysis_id )
      li_element_ct &
         = UpperBound ( as_element_id )

      // This is where the time is going...
      for li_element_ctr = 1 to li_element_ct
         SetDynamicParm ( SQLDA, 2, &
            as_element_id [ li_element_ctr ] )
         open dynamic analysis_cursor &
            using descriptor SQLDA;  // OUCH!!!
         if  ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 ) &
         and ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 100 ) then
            MessageBox ( "Error", "Open 2" )
            halt close
         end if
         fetch analysis_cursor &
            using descriptor SQLDA;
         if ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 ) &
         and ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 100 ) then
            MessageBox ( "Error", "Fetch 2" )
            halt close
         end if
         if SQLCA.SQLCode = 0 then
            lc_piece_purity &
               = GetDynamicNumber ( SQLDA, 1 )
            lc_piece_purity = 0.0
         end if

         // Accumulate element proportion.
         lc_total_purity &
            = ac_total_purity[ li_element_ctr ]
         ac_total_purity [ li_element_ctr ] &
            = ( ( lc_total_purity &
             * lc_total_weight ) &
             + ( lc_piece_purity &
             * lc_piece_weight ) ) &
            / ac_total_weight
         close analysis_cursor;  // OUCH!!!
      fetch piece_cursor &
         into :lc_piece_weight, :ls_analysis_id;
      if  ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 ) &
      and ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 100 ) then
         MessageBox ( "Error", "Fetch 3" )
         halt close
      end if
   close piece_cursor;
   destroy ldsa_piece
   destroy ldsa_analysis

The original solution of Listings 2 and 3 may be stated as “Look for each element we want, and process the found and not-found cases similarly”. A new approach was worked out to involve a single result set: “Get all the elements we have, process them, then figure out what’s missing and adjust accordingly.” In other words, “Think sets, not rows!”, an important motto for anyone working with relational databases.

A second optimization was now possible: since the inner fetch loop was now using a result set, it could be combined with the outer fetch with a simple join. In other words, by joining the piece and analysis tables, a single Format 3 cursor could be used and the Format 4 SQL eliminated altogether.

As with all but the simplest optimizations, the down side was more complex script code. Extra logic was necessary to figure out which rows belonged to which piece, and to keep track of which elements were missing from each piece so their proportion in the final batch could be adjusted. Listing 4 shows the optimized pseudo-code, and Listing 5 shows the corresponding script.

Listing 4: Single Cursor Pseudo-Code

   cursor = select piece_id, weight,
      element_id, purity
      from piece, analysis
      where batch_id = ? and
      piece.analysis_id = analysis.analysis_id
      order by batch_id, piece_id
   open cursor
   fetch first row from cursor
   do while there is another row
      if it is a new piece
         if it is not the first piece
            figure out which elements were
               missing from the previous piece
               and adjust their proportions
         end if
         accumulate batch weight
      end if
      figure out which element was
         found in this piece and
         accumulate its proportion
      fetch next row from cursor
   if there was at least one piece
      figure out which elements were
         missing from the last piece
         and adjust their proportions
   end if
   close cursor

Listing 5: Single Cursor Script

   // - see Listing 3 for function arguments
   DynamicStagingArea ldsa_piece
   string             ls_piece_select
   decimal            lc_piece_weight
   decimal            lc_total_weight
   decimal            lc_piece_purity
   decimal { 6 }      lc_total_purity
   integer            li_elem_ctr
   integer            li_elem_ct
   string             ls_piece_id
   string             ls_element_id
   string             ls_prev_piece_id
   boolean            lb_found[]
   decimal            lc_prev_piece_weight
   decimal            lc_prev_total_weight
   boolean            lb_not_done
   li_elem_ct = UpperBound ( as_element_id )

   // Single result set: piece AND element data.
   ldsa_piece = create DynamicStagingArea
   declare piece_cursor &
      dynamic cursor for ldsa_piece;
   ls_piece_select &
      = "select piece_id, weight, " &
      + "element_id, purity " &
      + "from piece, analysis " &
      + "where batch_id = '" + as_batch_id &
      + "' and piece.analysis_id " &
      + "= analysis.analysis_id " &
      + "order by batch_id, piece_id"
   prepare ldsa_piece &
      from :ls_piece_select using SQLCA;
   open dynamic piece_cursor;
   if  ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 ) &
   and ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 100 ) then
      MessageBox ( "Error", "Open" )
      halt close
   end if
   fetch piece_cursor &
      into :ls_piece_id, :lc_piece_weight, &
      :ls_element_id, :lc_piece_purity;
   if  ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 ) &
   and ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 100 ) then
      MessageBox ( "Error", "Fetch 1" )
      halt close
   end if

   ls_prev_piece_id = "" // no piece yet
   do while SQLCA.SQLCode = 0

      // Handle "break" on new piece.
      if ls_prev_piece_id <> ls_piece_id then

         // Anything missing in previous piece?
         if ls_prev_piece_id <> "" then
            for li_elem_ctr = 1 to li_elem_ct

               // Adjust element proportion.
               if not lb_found[li_elem_ctr] then
                  lc_total_purity &
                     = ac_total_purity &
                        [ li_elem_ctr ]
                  ac_total_purity &
                     [ li_elem_ctr ] &
                   = ( lc_total_purity &
                     * lc_prev_total_weight ) &
                   / ( lc_prev_piece_weight &
                     + lc_prev_total_weight )
               end if
         end if

         // Accumulate batch weight.
         lc_total_weight = ac_total_weight
         ac_total_weight &
            = ac_total_weight + lc_piece_weight

         // Set up for this new piece.
         for li_elem_ctr = 1 to li_elem_ct
            lb_found [ li_elem_ctr ] = false
         ls_prev_piece_id = ls_piece_id
         lc_prev_piece_weight= lc_piece_weight
         lc_prev_total_weight= lc_total_weight
      end if

      // Handle element that was found.
      li_elem_ctr = 1
      lb_not_done = true
      do while lb_not_done

         // Accumulate element proportion.
         if ls_element_id = as_element_id &
               [ li_elem_ctr ] then
            lc_total_purity = ac_total_purity &
                [ li_elem_ctr ]
            ac_total_purity[ li_elem_ctr ] &
               = ( ( lc_total_purity &
                * lc_total_weight ) &
                + ( lc_piece_purity &
                * lc_piece_weight ) ) &
               / ac_total_weight
            lb_found [ li_elem_ctr ] = true
            lb_not_done = false
            if li_elem_ctr &
             > li_elem_ct then
               lb_not_done = false
            end if
         end if
      fetch piece_cursor &
         into :ls_piece_id, :lc_piece_weight, &
         :ls_element_id, :lc_piece_purity;
      if ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 ) &
      and ( SQLCA.SQLCode <> 100 ) then
         MessageBox ( "Error", "Fetch 2" )
         halt close
      end if

   // Anything missing in last piece?
   if ls_prev_piece_id <> "" then
      for li_elem_ctr = 1 to li_elem_ct

         // Adjust element proportion.
         if not lb_found [ li_elem_ctr ] then
            lc_total_purity &
               = ac_total_purity [ li_elem_ctr ]
            ac_total_purity [ li_elem_ctr ] &
               = ( lc_total_purity &
                * lc_prev_total_weight ) &
               / ( lc_prev_piece_weight &
                + lc_prev_total_weight )
         end if
   end if
   close piece_cursor;
   destroy ldsa_piece

Even with the extra logic, the code of Listing 5 runs twenty times faster than Listing 3. In the real application there was a lot of other stuff going on so the improvement there was “only” about 10 to 1. Nevertheless, that was more than enough to change response time from minutes to seconds, from hopeless to acceptable.

Breck Carter can be reached by phone at (416) 763-5200 or via email at