Foxhound 4.0 FAQ
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Message: SMTP send test Alert email failed with return code -1 when sending "Foxhound Test Alert Email ...". Error code/text 235/2.7.0 Accepted
Message: 2.7.0 Accepted
Message: 235/2.7.0 Accepted
Message: Error code/text 235/2.7.0 Accepted

Explanation: This is a contradictory and confusing error message that appears on the Monitor Options page:

  • "235/2.7.0 Accepted" means that SMTP is working

  • but "return code -1" means that an attempt to actually send a test email message failed.

The most likely reason is that the email address field is empty:

Fill in the Email address(es) for Alerts: field and click on Save before clicking on Send Test Alert Email on the Monitor Options page.

The same is true for the Send Test AutoDrop Email button:

Fill in the Email address(es) for AutoDrop Notices: field and click on Save before clicking on Send Test AutoDrop Email.

See also...
SMTP send ... email failed with return code ... when sending "..."

This page was last updated on September 23, 2016.      Foxhound 4.0 FAQ Home      Foxhound Home      RisingRoad