Message: SMTP send test Alert email failed with return code -1 when sending "Foxhound Test Alert Email ...". Error code/text 235/2.7.0 Accepted
Message: 2.7.0 Accepted Message: 235/2.7.0 Accepted Message: Error code/text 235/2.7.0 Accepted
Explanation: This is a contradictory and confusing error message that appears on the Monitor Options page:
"235/2.7.0 Accepted" means that SMTP is working
but "return code -1" means that an attempt to actually send a test email message failed.
The most likely reason is that the email address field is empty:
Fill in the Email address(es) for Alerts: field and click on Save
before clicking on Send Test Alert Email on the Monitor Options page.
The same is true for the Send Test AutoDrop Email button:
Fill in the Email address(es) for AutoDrop Notices:
field and click on Save before clicking on Send Test AutoDrop Email.
See also...
SMTP send ... email failed with return code ... when sending "..."