Message: Info: Unique index collision avoided: ping_id = ... ping_log_inserted_at = ... sampling_id = ...
Message: 011c-irpl1(011c-irpl1) Info: Unique index collision avoided: ping_id = ... ping_log_inserted_at = ... sampling_id = ... Message: 206b2a(206eh4) SQLCODE = -196, SQLSTATE = "23505", ERRORMSG() = "Index 'ix_ping_inserted' for table 'rroad_ping_log' would not be unique" Message: Index 'ix_ping_inserted' for table 'rroad_ping_log' would not be unique Message: SQLCODE = -196, SQLSTATE = "23505", ERRORMSG() = "Index 'ix_ping_inserted' for table 'rroad_ping_log' would not be unique" Message: Unique index collision avoided: ping_id = ... ping_log_inserted_at = ... sampling_id = ...
Explanation: These are unexpected error messages.
If you see either of these messages, please contact
011c-irpl1(011c-irpl1) Info: Unique index collision avoided: ping_id = ... ping_log_inserted_at = ... sampling_id = ...
206b2a(206eh4) SQLCODE = -196, SQLSTATE = "23505", ERRORMSG() = "Index 'ix_ping_inserted' for table 'rroad_ping_log' would not be unique"