Message: An attempt to start sample loop event ... for sampling id ... failed because event ... was already running for that sampling id.
This is an unexpected error, possibly caused by an internal error in Foxhound.
Please report this error; see
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
If possible, include the diagnostic message and associated dump; here is an example:
1. Use the Foxhound Options - 8. Diagnostics - Display Diagnostics button to find the exception id, 477 in this case:
477 - 2012-07-26 06:56:37.407 Full Build 4173a 1000001557 203a3d3(203eh1) An attempt to start sample loop event 1000001557 for sampling id 4 failed because event 1000000020 was already running for that sampling id. [4-Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP]
2. Run adhoc queries to see the diagnostic message and the associated dump
(see How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?):
SELECT * FROM exception_diagnostic WHERE exception_id = 477;
SELECT * FROM exception_dump WHERE exception_id = 477;
477,2012-07-26 06:56:37.407 Full Build 4173a 1000001557 203a3d3(203eh1) An attempt to start sample loop event 1000001557 for sampling id 4 failed because event 1000000020 was already running for that sampling id. [4-Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP]
SELECT * FROM exception_dump WHERE exception_id = 477;
477,1,'2012-07-26 06:56:37.409','rroad_sampling_options','203a3d3','(203eh1)',4,'1','Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP','Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP','',,,,'Y','N',2012-07-23 12:09:23.973,'OK',1000000020,'','Y','',0,4,2012-07-26 06:56:36.070,2012-07-26 06:56:36.070,2012-07-26 06:56:26.026,2012-07-26 06:56:26.030,'','','p001',8192,'N','N','N','DBA','',2147483647,'Conn #','ASC',0,'',''\x0d\x0a
3. Run adhoc queries to copy the diagnostic message and associate dump to a single text file:
UNLOAD SELECT * FROM exception_diagnostic WHERE exception_id = 477 TO 'c:/temp/foxhound_exception.txt';
UNLOAD SELECT * FROM exception_dump WHERE exception_id = 477 TO 'c:/temp/foxhound_exception.txt' APPEND ON;
477,'2012-07-26 06:56:37.407 Full Build 4173a 1000001557 203a3d3(203eh1) An attempt to start sample loop event 1000001557 for sampling id 4 failed because event 1000000020 was already running for that sampling id. [4-Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP]'
477,1,2012-07-26 06:56:37.409,'''rroad_sampling_options'',''203a3d3'',''(203eh1)'',4,''1'',''Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP'',''Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP'','''',,,,''Y'',''N'',2012-07-23 12:09:23.973,''OK'',1000000020,'''',''Y'','''',0,4,2012-07-26 06:56:36.070,2012-07-26 06:56:36.070,2012-07-26 06:56:26.026,2012-07-26 06:56:26.030,'''','''',''p001'',8192,''N'',''N'',''N'',''DBA'','''',2147483647,''Conn #'',''ASC'',0,'''',''''\x0d\x0a'
See also...
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?
How do I see the schema for adhoc reporting?