Foxhound 3.0 FAQ
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Message: The database engine is stopping. Use an acceptable server and database name.

Explanation: The SQL Anywhere command that starts the Foxhound database must specify acceptable names in the -n server name and -n database name parameters; e.g., -n foxhound3 and -n f.

Nine other names may be used in the -n server name parameter when starting multiple copies of Foxhound with the Extended or Rental editions of Foxhound: -n foxhound3b, -n foxhound3c, -n foxhound3d, -n foxhound3e, -n foxhound3f, -n foxhound3g, -n foxhound3h, -n foxhound3i and -n foxhound3c. In all cases the -n database name parameter must be -n f.

See also...
What are the differences among the different editions of Foxhound: Rental, Basic and Extended?

This page was last updated on October 24, 2011.      Foxhound 3.0 FAQ Home      Foxhound Home      RisingRoad