-307: All threads are blocked
0: dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 0
1: Client address backtrace: ::1
1: dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 1
1: Error - File output check failed with return code 1
1: ERRORLEVEL from dbstop: Unable to stop database server -- Request to start/stop database denied.
1730: You must be an Administrator to remove this application. - Error 1730.
2203: Internal Error 2203: C:\Windows\Installer\597604a.ipi,-2147287035
23: I/O error Fatal error: A disk read from file "...\foxhound3.db" failed with error code: (23) -- transaction rolled back --
255: dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 255
3: dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 3
404: Not Found
408: Request Time-Out
40W06: All threads are blocked
503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
57014: Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
9: ERRORLEVEL from dbstop: Unable to stop database server -- Database server not found.
990xx: Internal error
A disk read from file "...\foxhound3.db" failed with error code: (23) -- transaction rolled back --
A subdirectory or file backup already exists.
Access is denied.
Alert #11 - HA failover - ... on ...
All threads are blocked
An attempt to start sample loop event ... for sampling id ... failed because event ... was already running for that sampling id.
Another version of this product is already installed.
Authentication failed
Cannot access file '...' -- The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Cannot access file '...' -- The system cannot find the file specified
Cannot access ... foxhound3.db ... another process may be using the file
Cannot convert '...' to a timestamp
Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "foxhound.log"
Can't open Message window log file: foxhound3_debug.txt
Can't start HTTP listener on address
Can't start HTTP listener on address
Can't start HTTP listener on address (::):80
Choose a connection string.
Choose an ODBC DSN.
Client address backtrace: ::1
Connection "..." by user id "..." rejected during post-setup data upgrade process.
Connection ... dropped by Foxhound because it failed to connect to target DSN ... after ... (timeout threshold is ...; see Foxhound Options)
Could not bind to address
Could not execute statement. Item 'rroad_..._properties' already exists
Could not load dynamic library '...'
CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_..._properties failed ... Item 'rroad_..._properties' already exists
Data cannot be upgraded from ... to ...
Data source name not found and no default driver specified
Database server connection limit exceeded
Database server not found
Database server shutdown due to startup error
dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 0
dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 1
dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 255
dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 3
EMAIL FAILURE - SMTP send ... email failed with return code ... when sending "..."
EMAIL FAILURE - SMTP start ... email failed with return code ... when sending "..."
Error - File output check failed with return code 1
Error 1730. You must be an Administrator to remove this application.
Error: Cannot access file '...' -- The system cannot find the file specified
Error: SQLCODE = ..., SQLSTATE = ..., ERRORMSG() = ...
ERRORLEVEL = 0 from dbspawn/dbsrv16
ERRORLEVEL = 1 from dbspawn/dbsrv16
ERRORLEVEL = 1 from dbstop: Unable to stop database server -- Request to start/stop database denied.
ERRORLEVEL = 255 from dbspawn/dbsrv16
ERRORLEVEL = 3 from dbspawn/dbsrv16
ERRORLEVEL = 9 from dbstop: Unable to stop database server -- Database server not found.
EXCEPTION in EVENT rroad_... at ...: SQLCODE = ..., SQLSTATE = ..., ERRORMSG() = ...
EXCEPTION in PROCEDURE rroad_... at ...: SQLCODE = ..., SQLSTATE = ..., ERRORMSG() = ...
File access denied.
file is unavailable
File output check failed with return code 1
Fill in the "Connection Strings file:" field and press Save before clicking on ...
Foxhound Extended edition is required for ...
Foxhound needs JavaScript to be enabled.
Foxhound now accepting requests
Foxhound stopped
Foxhound supports 100 sessions
Foxhound was not available yet, probably because the Foxhound engine had not finished starting up.
HA failover - Alert #11
Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
I/O error Fatal error: A disk read from file "...\foxhound3.db" failed with error code: (23) -- transaction rolled back --
Info: Procedure rroad_... has been upgraded from build number ... to ... on ...
Internal Error 2203: C:\Windows\Installer\597604a.ipi,-2147287035
Internal error 999xx
Internal error: Retry loop failed to find a Top Sample or Most Recent Sample to display.
Invalid database engine command line
Invalid database server command line
Invalid server and/or database name: The database engine is stopping.
Invalid user ID or password
Item 'rroad_..._properties' already exists
No detailed information about blocked connections is recorded for the sample taken at ...
No detailed information about the ... connection(s) is recorded for the sample taken at ...
No information about ... connections has been gathered yet.
No information about ... connections is available for the sample lost at ...
Not Found - 404
Older samples purged at ...
Page not found
Permission denied: Cannot CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_...
Pick a valid ODBC DSN, and specify the user id and password on the Foxhound DSN tab or inside the DSN itself
Preparing monitor sample sessions...
Procedure rroad_... has been upgraded from build number ... to ... on ...
Procedure rroad_... not used; build number ... is more recent than Foxhound build number ...
Purge run ... which started at ... has been cancelled because it was running too long.
Request Time-Out (408)
Retry loop failed to find a Top Sample or Most Recent Sample to display.
Sample Schedule in effect
Sampling stopped
Service Temporarily Unavailable - 503
Setup error: DIAG yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.sss ...
SMTP send ... email failed with return code ... when sending "..."
SMTP start ... email failed with return code ... when sending "..."
Specified database file already in use
Specified database not found
SQL Anywhere database server ... not supported
SQL Anywhere database version ... not supported
SQL Anywhere version ... not supported.
SQL Anywhere version ... or later is required to run this application.
SQL error: Could not load dynamic library '...'
SQL error: User-defined exception signaled
SQLCODE = -307, SQLSTATE = 40W06, ERRORMSG() = All threads are blocked
Statement interrupted by user
Stop Foxhound Engine requested at ...
Syntax error: syntax error near ...
Target SQL Anywhere server version ... not supported
TCP/IP link, function bind, error code 10048
The $backup_foxhound3.bat file looked for a path specification in the FOXHOUND3 environment variable and it was empty.
The $backup_foxhound3_log.bat file did not find an existing full backup of the database and log files in the folder ...
The activation upgrade was not successful: The registration key has been used before.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost
The data upgrade process has begun: to build ... from ...
The data upgrade process has failed: to build ... from ...; diagnostics = "..."
The data upgrade process has succeeded: to build ... from ...
The database engine is stopping. Use an acceptable server and database name.
The database engine is stopping. Use the Extended edition when starting multiple copies of Foxhound.
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
The Foxhound database must run on its own SQL Anywhere engine.
The Foxhound engine has been shut down.
The Foxhound Standard Edition supports 10 sessions
The initial activation was not successful: The registration key did not work.
The page cannot be displayed
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
The table ... has more than one index on columns ( ... )
The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.
The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.
The table or view ... was not found, probably because it has been recently dropped.
There are no user tables to display.
This monitor session has been stopped and the samples have been deleted.
This view has no column definitions in SYSCOLUMN; it may contain a syntax error.
To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer.
Too many sampling sessions in progress. Stop one and try again.
transaction rolled back: I/O error Fatal error: A disk read from file "...\foxhound3.db" failed with error code: (23)
Unable to stop database server -- Database server not found.
Unable to stop database server -- Request to start/stop database denied.
Unacceptable SQL Anywhere server edition: The database engine is stopping.
Unexpected operation: "..."
User "DBA" dropped event connection ... ("rroad_monitor_sample_loop")
User-defined exception signaled
Value '...' out of range for destination
You must be an Administrator to remove this application. - Error 1730.
[ Top ]
Message: 404: Not Found
Explanation: One reason for a "page not found" message is that the Foxhound database didn't start properly, and the most common reason
for that is some other process is already using HTTP port 80 so Foxhound couldn't start.
Another reason is that Foxhound is using some port other than 80 for HTTP and you forgot to code that port in the URL.
For example, if you started Foxhound on port 12345, then you need to use this URL:
See also...
Can't start HTTP listener on address
How do I tell Foxhound to use an HTTP port other than 80?
[ Top ]
Message: 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
Explanation: If this condition persists, try stopping and restarting Foxhound.
[ Top ]
Message: A subdirectory or file backup already exists.
Explanation: This message is safe to ignore if it is produced by the All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Backup Foxhound Database process:
[ Top ]
Message: Access is denied.
Explanation: If "Access is denied" appears during a Foxhound installation or upgrade on Windows 7, you may
need to start over and switch to using the hidden "Administrator" account:
- Run the Foxhound "unsetup" process...
start - All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Unsetup Foxhound
Open a "command prompt" window in "Administrator" mode...
start - All Programs - Accessories - right mouse Command prompt - Run as Administrator
Make the magic hidden Administrator account visible in Windows 7 by typing this command and pressing Enter...
net user administrator /active:yes
Log off your normal account, and login as Administrator.
Run the Foxhound installation again.
You probably should set a password for the Administrator account, or hide it again...
net user administrator /active:no
If you started the Foxhound database while logged in as Administrator, shut it down.
While still logged on Administrator, grant "Full Control" on the C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad folder to all "Users"...
Windows Explorer
- click right mouse Properties on C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad
- click Security
- click Edit...
- select "Users (..."
- check Full Control - Allow
- click Apply
- click OK
The "Access is denied" message may also mean the Foxhound engine is already running
as a service and it cannot be stopped by the post setup process.
As a result, the Foxhound upgrade will not work properly:
If the shortcut Foxhound3 - Tools - Stop Foxhound Engine doesn't finish
C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3>ECHO OFF
Stop Foxhound Engine
SQL Anywhere Stop Server Utility Version
and both Task Manager and the taskkill command display "Access is denied." when you try to stop the Foxhound dbsrv16.exe process
C:\Users\Breck>taskkill /pid 8140
ERROR: The process with PID 8140 could not be terminated.
Reason: Access is denied.
then check to see if there is a dbclient.exe process still running that was previously being used by Foxhound to connect
to a SQL Anywhere 5.5 database. If so, shut down that dbclient.exe process and the Foxhound engine should stop.
See also...
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: ALERT ...
Explanation: An ALERT email is sent when one or more target database conditions match user-defined criteria.
Monitor Options page
lets you turn alerts on and off and specify alert criteria for a particular target database. Individual criteria may
include a threshold amount and/or a duration or waiting period.
The "Recent alert history" section of an ALERT email is a list of recent ALERT, ALL CLEAR and CANCELLED conditions for this target database.
The "Recent sample history" section of an ALERT email shows what the Foxhound History page looks like when the alert was issued,
including blocked and current connections.
The sort order for the current connections section of an ALERT email depends on the alert condition, as follows:
Alert Email |
Connection Sort Order |
Connections Sorted On |
1 - Database unresponsive | descending | CPU Time |
2 - Long heartbeat | descending | CPU Time |
3 - Long sample time | descending | CPU Time |
4 - CPU usage | descending | CPU Time |
5 - Database disk space | descending | Disk Writes |
6 - Temp disk space | descending | Disk Writes |
7 - Log disk space | descending | Disk Writes |
8 - Other disk space | descending | Disk Writes |
9 - Arbiter unreachable | descending | CPU Time |
10 - Partner unreachable | descending | CPU Time |
11 - HA failover | descending | CPU Time |
12 - HA mode change | descending | CPU Time |
13 - File fragmentation | descending | Disk Writes |
14 - Unscheduled Requests | descending | CPU Time |
15 - Incomplete I/Os | descending | Disk Writes |
16 - I/O operations | descending | Disk Writes |
17 - Checkpoint urgency | descending | Disk Writes |
18 - Recovery urgency | descending | Disk Writes |
19 - Cache size | descending | CPU Time |
20 - Cache satisfaction | ascending | Cache Satisfaction |
21 - Temp file usage | descending | Temp Space |
22 - Conn temp file usage | descending | Temp Space |
23 - Blocked connections | descending | Conns Blocked |
24 - Conn blocking others | descending | Conns Blocked |
25 - Locks | descending | Locks Held |
26 - Connections | descending | CPU Time |
27 - Connection CPU | descending | CPU Time |
28 - Long transaction | descending | Transaction Running Time |
29 - Cache panics | descending | Cache Satisfaction |
See also...
Help - Foxhound Options - Global Email Settings
Help - Monitor Options - Alert Email Setup
[ Top ]
Message: Alert #11 - HA failover - ... on ...
Explanation: This alert may not have anything to do with High Availability. Foxhound uses
any runtime change in the server name to trigger this alert, and that can happen if you
manually stop and restart the target database with a different server name.
If you are not using HA, you can disable Alert #11 to avoid this message.
[ Top ]
Message: ALL CLEAR ...
Explanation: An ALL CLEAR email is sent when an alert criteria is no longer met.
If a waiting period is specified on the
Monitor Options page,
Foxhound waits for approximately half that time before issuing the all clear.
The "Recent alert history" section of an ALL CLEAR email is a list of recent ALERT, ALL CLEAR and CANCELLED conditions for this target database.
See also...
Help - Monitor Options
[ Top ]
Message: An attempt to start sample loop event ... for sampling id ... failed because event ... was already running for that sampling id.
This is an unexpected error, possibly caused by an internal error in Foxhound.
Please report this error; see
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
If possible, include the diagnostic message and associated dump; here is an example:
1. Use the Foxhound Options - 8. Diagnostics - Display Diagnostics button to find the exception id, 477 in this case:
477 - 2012-07-26 06:56:37.407 Full Build 4173a 1000001557 203a3d3(203eh1) An attempt to start sample loop event 1000001557 for sampling id 4 failed because event 1000000020 was already running for that sampling id. [4-Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP]
2. Run adhoc queries to see the diagnostic message and the associated dump (see How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?):
SELECT * FROM exception_diagnostic WHERE exception_id = 477;
SELECT * FROM exception_dump WHERE exception_id = 477;
477,2012-07-26 06:56:37.407 Full Build 4173a 1000001557 203a3d3(203eh1) An attempt to start sample loop event 1000001557 for sampling id 4 failed because event 1000000020 was already running for that sampling id. [4-Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP]
SELECT * FROM exception_dump WHERE exception_id = 477;
477,1,'2012-07-26 06:56:37.409','rroad_sampling_options','203a3d3','(203eh1)',4,'1','Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP','Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP','',,,,'Y','N',2012-07-23 12:09:23.973,'OK',1000000020,'','Y','',0,4,2012-07-26 06:56:36.070,2012-07-26 06:56:36.070,2012-07-26 06:56:26.026,2012-07-26 06:56:26.030,'','','p001',8192,'N','N','N','DBA','',2147483647,'Conn #','ASC',0,'',''\x0d\x0a
3. Run adhoc queries to copy the diagnostic message and associate dump to a single text file:
UNLOAD SELECT * FROM exception_diagnostic WHERE exception_id = 477 TO 'c:/temp/foxhound_exception.txt';
UNLOAD SELECT * FROM exception_dump WHERE exception_id = 477 TO 'c:/temp/foxhound_exception.txt' APPEND ON;
477,'2012-07-26 06:56:37.407 Full Build 4173a 1000001557 203a3d3(203eh1) An attempt to start sample loop event 1000001557 for sampling id 4 failed because event 1000000020 was already running for that sampling id. [4-Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP]'
477,1,2012-07-26 06:56:37.409,'''rroad_sampling_options'',''203a3d3'',''(203eh1)'',4,''1'',''Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP'',''Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP'','''',,,,''Y'',''N'',2012-07-23 12:09:23.973,''OK'',1000000020,'''',''Y'','''',0,4,2012-07-26 06:56:36.070,2012-07-26 06:56:36.070,2012-07-26 06:56:26.026,2012-07-26 06:56:26.030,'''','''',''p001'',8192,''N'',''N'',''N'',''DBA'','''',2147483647,''Conn #'',''ASC'',0,'''',''''\x0d\x0a'
See also...
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?
How do I see the schema for adhoc reporting?
[ Top ]
Message: Another version of this product is already installed.
Explanation: You have to run the Foxhound "unsetup" process before reinstalling Foxhound, or before installing a new version.
If you forget, you will see this error when you run the Foxhound setup; this is a limitation of the way the InstallShield setup for Foxhound is constructed:
There are three ways to run the Foxhound unsetup process:
Click on start - All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Unsetup Foxhound, or
use the Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs dialog to remove Foxhound Version 1, or
run this command: MsiExec.exe /X{B6CE87CB-2838-49AC-9E48-6E867BDD4B93}
The unsetup process doesn't actually delete the existing database file foxhound3.db;
that file is overwritten after the data is upgraded (copied) during the post-setup
process when you reinstall Foxhound.
Here's what you see when you click on start - All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Unsetup Foxhound:
See also...
How do I install Foxhound?
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
How do I reinstall Foxhound?
Why is it called "unsetup" instead of "uninstall"?
How do I remove Foxhound from my system?
[ Top ]
Message: Authentication failed
Explanation: When a new build of Foxhound is installed, the data upgrade portion of the post-setup process fails with the message "Authentication failed".
Foxhound is not licensed to run using an "OEM" or "Authenticated" edition of SQL Anywhere.
Try installing a regular non-OEM edition of SQL Anywhere. Then rerun the upgrade, including the initial "unsetup" step:
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
Note: A fix for this problem will be delivered in the next Generally Available build of Foxhound.
See also...
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: CANCELLED ...
A CANCELLED message is produced as soon as some alert criteria is changed or disabled using the
Monitor Options page.
At that point the alert testing process "starts over";
it doesn't matter what the change is. For example, even if the new alert condition is already
met when the change is made, if there is a waiting period it is honored before a new alert is issued.
Also, if sampling is stopped while an Alert is active, the Alert is cancelled.
The "Recent alert history" section of a CANCELLED email is a list of recent ALERT, ALL CLEAR and CANCELLED conditions for this target database.
See also...
Help - Monitor Options
[ Top ]
Message: Cannot access ... foxhound3.db ... another process may be using the file
Explanation: If this message appears during the "post setup" step during a Foxhound upgrade, it probably
means the Foxhound engine is already running as a service and it cannot be stopped by the post setup process.
As a result, the Foxhound upgrade will not work properly.
Try stopping the service and rerunning the upgrade, including the initial "unsetup" step:
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
Here is an example of this and other related error messages produced by the post setup process
when the Foxhound engine is running as a service:
*** Starting the existing Foxhound database...
19/07/2010 15:20:03.26 Foxhound 1.3736 *** ERRORLEVEL = 1
*** ...no, the existing Foxhound database did NOT start.
07/19 15:20:02. Cannot access "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application D
ata\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\foxhound3.db": another process may be using the file
*** Moving the old Foxhound database files...
A subdirectory or file backup already exists.
A subdirectory or file previous_build already exists.
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $post_setup.bat file could not MOVE the old
*** foxhound3.db file to the "previous_build" subfolder.
*** Contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue processing...
Press any key to continue . . .
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $post_setup.bat file could not MOVE the old
*** foxhound3.log file to the "previous_build" subfolder.
*** Contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue processing...
Press any key to continue . . .
*** Moving the new Foxhound database files...
Access is denied.
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $post_setup.bat file could not MOVE the new
*** foxhound3.db file to the FOXHOUND3 folder.
*** Contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue processing...
Press any key to continue . . .
Access is denied.
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $post_setup.bat file could not MOVE the new
*** foxhound3.log file to the FOXHOUND3 folder.
*** Contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue processing...
Press any key to continue . . .
*** Deleting the temporary setup files...
*** Wrapping up...
*** ERROR ********************************************************
dbspawn old_foxhound3 ERRORLEVEL = 1
See also...
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: Cannot access file '...' -- The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Explanation: Try removing any new line (CR/LF) or other special characters from the file specification.
[ Top ]
Message: Cannot convert '...' to a timestamp
This is an unexpected error, possibly caused by a problem with the performance statistics received from the target database server.
Please report this error; see
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
See also...
How do I see Foxhound diagnostics, errors and exceptions?
[ Top ]
Message: Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "foxhound.log"
Explanation: If the full message looks like one of these:
Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "foxhound.log" since the database file has been used more recently
Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "foxhound.log" since the offsets don't match the offsets in the database file
then try starting Foxhound once in debug mode to clear the error condition:
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via default browser - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Chrome - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Firefox - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via IE - debug
[ Top ]
Message: Can't open Message window log file: foxhound3_debug.txt
Explanation: This message may mean the Foxhound database was already running when you tried to start it again;
for example, you used the Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound Engine shortcut when the Foxhound database is already running:
C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3>ECHO OFF
Start Foxhound Engine
SQL Anywhere Start Server In Background Utility Version
Invalid database server command line
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 1
09/25 11:47:21. Can't open Message window log file: foxhound3_debug.txt
Press any key to continue . . .
If you want to restart the Foxhound database, try using the Foxhound3 - Tools - Stop Foxhound Engine shortcut first.
With some of the shortcuts, like Foxhound3 - Start Foxhound via Chrome, you can just ignore this message and press a key to contine opening Foxhound in the Chrome browser.
If you are using one of the following "debug" shortcuts to stop and restart the Foxhound engine, try
running it again. The previous dbsrv16.exe process may not have had enough time to release the foxhound3_debug.txt file
before a new dbsrv16.exe process tried to open that file:
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via default browser - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Chrome - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Firefox - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via IE - debug
If the problem persists, Foxhound may already running as a service and the "debug" shortcut may
not able to stop the Foxhound database before starting it again. Look for an earlier message
"Unable to stop database server -- Request to start/stop database denied."
See also...
Invalid database server command line
Unable to stop database server -- Request to start/stop database denied.
[ Top ]
Message: Can't start HTTP listener on address
Explanation: Some other process (Apache, IIS, Skype, another SQL Anywhere engine, etc) is already using TCP/IP port 80.
Either tell that process to stop using port 80 or
tell Foxhound to use a different port.
For example, to stop Skype from using port 80:
Open the Skype window,
click on Tools - Connection options...
uncheck the "Use port 80 and 443 as an alternatives for incoming connections" option,
click on Save button and
restart Skype to make the change effective.
See also...
What HTTP port should I use for Foxhound?
How do I tell Foxhound to use an HTTP port other than 80?
IANA port number assignments
Database server shutdown due to startup error
[ Top ]
Message: Choose a connection string.
Explanation: This is an unexpected message.
Please contact technical support at
[ Top ]
Message: Choose an ODBC DSN.
Explanation: This is an unexpected message.
Please contact technical support at
[ Top ]
Message: Client address backtrace: ::1
The Client address backtrace is the result of a network trace from the computer running the target database back
to the computer running Foxhound. The value ::1 is the IPv6 equivalent of the IPv4 address which is "localhost",
which in turn means Foxhound is running on the same computer as the target database.
The IPv6 value ::1 may show up in the Client address backtrace value if your computer has IPv6 installed even if you are using IPv4 addresses.
[ Top ]
Message: Connection "..." by user id "..." rejected during post-setup data upgrade process.
Do not attempt to connect to the Foxhound database while the post-setup data upgrade process is running.
Such connection attempts will be rejected.
[ Top ]
Message: Could not load dynamic library '...'
Explanation 1: The rroad3.dll and/or rroad364.dll files may be missing from the Foxhound
installation folder, even though the message may show the file name as "unknown".
Try reinstalling Foxhound.
Here is where rroad3.dll and rroad364.dll are installed by default on Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RisingRoad\Foxhound3
and on Vista and Windows 7 they are here:
If you have created a custom installation for Foxhound here's what you can try:
First, make sure that rroad3.dll and rroad364.dll are located in the same
folder as the Foxhound database foxhound3.db.
Second, stop and restart the Foxhound database to ensure that rroad3.dll
or rroad364.dll can be loaded.
Finally, use the DSN tab on the Foxhound main menu to connect to a database
without getting the "Could not load dynamic library..." message.
The rroad3.dll and rroad364.dll files contains the very small portion of Foxhound
logic that had to be written in C. The vast majority of Foxhound's code is
written in SQL including all of the schema analysis, monitor logic and HTML creation.
Explanation 2: A required Windows system DLL is missing from your system,
such as MSVCR90.DLL.
This is most likely a bug in Foxhound 3, caused by the fact that rroad3.dll
and/or rroad364.dll contain an undiscovered and incorrect dependency on some
funky old Microsoft DLL that is absent from your system.
One solution (perhaps the easiest and quickest for you) is to
determine which DLL it is that Foxhound 3 wants,
find a copy of that DLL on microsoft.com ( for example,
here ) and
load it on to your computer.
Try using the Dependency Walker utility for step (a):
Download the copy of Dependency Walker that matches your system (x86 versus x64) from
Run it, and do File - Open for whichever Foxhound DLL you are using:
C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\ rroad3.dll 32-bit x86 systems
C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\ rroad364.dll 64-bit x64 systems
Look for an "Error opening file" message like this:
[ ? ] MSVCR90.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
Caution! The Dependency Walker is very old and it may show a lot of incorrect messages
(false positives) on modern versions of Windows.
For example, here is what Dependency Walker shows for a copy of Foxhound 3 that
actually runs OK on Windows 7:
[D? ] API-MS-WIN-CORE-WINRT-ERROR-L1-1-0.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
[D? ] API-MS-WIN-CORE-WINRT-L1-1-0.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
[D? ] API-MS-WIN-CORE-WINRT-ROBUFFER-L1-1-0.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
[D? ] API-MS-WIN-CORE-WINRT-STRING-L1-1-0.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
[D? ] DCOMP.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
[D? ] IESHIMS.DLL Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified (2).
You can read about some of these false positives at
Another solution may be to contact breck.carter@gmail.com to obtain a rebuilt copy of
rroad3.dll or rroad364.dll that does not have the incorrect dependency.
See also...
How do I reinstall Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_..._properties failed ... Item 'rroad_..._properties' already exists
Explanation: There are two or more sampling sessions with the same target database,
possibly because there are two or more different ODBC DSNs or
connection strings that point to the same target database.
When you upgrade Foxhound to a new build, each sampling session tries to
update the three Foxhound properties procedures on its target database,
and only one attempt will work for each target.
You will see three or more error messages
along with the three successful "Info:" exceptions:
2010-06-25 04:32:58.531 Full Build 3706a 1000000006 701.a3(701eh2) CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_engine_properties failed. SQLSTATE = WO005, ERRORMSG() = Server 'p002': [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Item 'rroad_engine_properties' already exists
2010-06-25 04:32:58.531 Full Build 3706a 1000000005 204.d1b(204eh-b6) Info: Procedure rroad_engine_properties has been upgraded from build number 3705 to 3706 on aaa3 ddd11 dba sql
2010-06-25 04:37:21.437 Full Build 3706a 1000000026 702.a3(702eh2) CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_database_properties failed. SQLSTATE = WO005, ERRORMSG() = Server 'p001': [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Item 'rroad_database_properties' already exists
2010-06-25 04:37:21.437 Full Build 3706a 1000000027 204.d6b(204eh-b9) Info: Procedure rroad_database_properties has been upgraded from build number 3705 to 3706 on sales
2010-06-25 04:37:21.687 Full Build 3706a 1000000027 204.e2b(204eh-c3) Info: Procedure rroad_connection_properties has been upgraded from build number 3705 to 3706 on sales
2010-06-25 04:37:21.703 Full Build 3706a 1000000026 700.a3(700eh2) CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_connection_properties failed. SQLSTATE = WO005, ERRORMSG() = Server 'p001': [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Item 'rroad_connection_properties' already exists
It is safe to ignore these error messages, but you might want to check why you have a redundant sampling session; i.e., should
it point to a different target database?
See also...
How do I see Foxhound diagnostics, errors and exceptions?
[ Top ]
Message: Data cannot be upgraded from ... to ...
Explanation: When installing a new version of Foxhound, the data from an existing Foxhound database earlier
than build 1.3586 cannot be upgraded.
The new Foxhound database will be installed but it will
not contain any of the monitor samples or option settings from the old database.
[ Top ]
Message: Data source name not found and no default driver specified
[ Top ]
Message: Database server connection limit exceeded
Foxhound can't connect to the target database because the target server already has the maximum number of connections.
[ Top ]
Message: Database server not found
Explanation: Here are some possibilities:
A local target server was specified, and that server is not running.
If Foxhound has been started as a service, you may have to specify a LINKS parameter to connect to a target database even if it has been started on the same computer:
ENG=ddd16; DBN=ddd16; UID=dba; PWD=sql; DRIVER=SQL Anywhere 16; LINKS=TCPIP(HOST=localhost; PORT=2638; DoBroadcast=NONE);
A HOST= network server address was specified, and that server is not running.
The correct HOST= network server address was specified on the Network tab, but the ENG= server name is wrong.
The wrong HOST= network server address was specified on the Network tab.
Caution: If you change the HOST= value, you may connect to the wrong server if a different, but working, IP
address was cached in the workstation file C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\asasrv.ini. To avoid using this cache file
specify "DOBROADCAST=NONE" on the Network tab; e.g.: use HOST=ip-address;DOBROADCAST=NONE to force only that address to be
[ Top ]
Message: Database server shutdown due to startup error
Explanation: Some other HTTP web server (Apache, IIS, another SQL Anywhere engine, etc) may already be using TCP/IP port 80.
If so, either stop that other process, or tell Foxhound to use a different port.
See also...
What HTTP port should I use for Foxhound?
How do I tell Foxhound to use an HTTP port other than 80?
IANA port number assignments
Can't start HTTP listener on address
[ Top ]
Message: DBSPAWN ERROR: -81
Explanation: This is a generic error message produced by the dbspawn.exe utility when the Foxhound database fails
to start properly because dbsrv16.exe has detected some problem. To determine what the real problem is,
try using one of the "debug" shortcuts to start the Foxhound engine:
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via default browser - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Chrome - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Firefox - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via IE - debug
Look for another error message, such as:
[ Top ]
Message: dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 0
Explanation: (Note: This is different from the more common message "dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 1".)
If the "dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 0" message appears by itself, without any other
error messages, it is probably safe to ignore; it is probably a false error which is sometimes
displayed by the "debug" shortcuts used to start the Foxhound engine:
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via default browser - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Chrome - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Firefox - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via IE - debug
See also...
dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 1
[ Top ]
Message: dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 1
Explanation: This is a generic error message produced by the dbspawn.exe utility when the Foxhound database fails
to start properly because dbsrv16.exe has detected some problem. To determine what the real problem is,
try using one of the "debug" shortcuts to start the Foxhound engine:
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via default browser - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Chrome - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Firefox - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via IE - debug
Look for another error message, such as:
See also...
Can't open Message window log file: foxhound3_debug.txt
dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 1
Invalid database server command line
Unable to stop database server -- Request to start/stop database denied.
[ Top ]
Message: dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 255
Explanation: This is a generic error message produced by the dbspawn.exe utility when the Foxhound database fails
to start properly because dbsrv16.exe has detected some problem. To determine what the real problem is,
try using one of the "debug" shortcuts to start the Foxhound engine:
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via default browser - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Chrome - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Firefox - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via IE - debug
See also...
Can't open Message window log file: foxhound3_debug.txt
[ Top ]
Message: dbspawn/dbsrv16 set ERRORLEVEL = 3
Explanation: This is a "file not found" error that may indicate SQL Anywhere 16 should be installed or reinstalled.
See also...
What are the Foxhound system requirements?
[ Top ]
Message: Error 1730. You must be an Administrator to remove this application.
Click on "Yes" rather than pressing Enter when the Windows User Account Control
dialog box asks for permission, or use right mouse - Run as Administrator on the Unsetup Foxhound shortcut...
User Account Control
Do you want to allow the following program from an
unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?
...and don't wait too long.
If you see this ...
Error 1730. You must be an Administrator to remove this
application. To remove this application, you can logon as
an Administrator, or contact your technical support group for
... click on OK, then try running Unsetup Foxhound again.
[ Top ]
Message: Error - File output check failed with return code 1
The Export Diagnostics button on the Foxhound Options page will display this message when the
the file specification in the "Export diagnostics to file:" field is invalid.
[ Top ]
Message: Error: SQLCODE = ..., SQLSTATE = ..., ERRORMSG() = ...
Something went wrong when you pressed one of these buttons on the Foxhound Monitor Options page:
Some more diagnostic information may be available by pressing the Display
Diagnostics button on the Foxhound Options page.
[ Top ]
Message: EXCEPTION in PROCEDURE rroad_... at ...: SQLCODE = ..., SQLSTATE = ..., ERRORMSG() = ...
An exception has occurred inside one of Foxhound's exception handling modules. In other words, while Foxhound
was trying to record diagnostic information about one exception, another exception occurred.
Information about the first exception was lost; this message describes the second exception.
Please report this error; see
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
[ Top ]
Message: file is unavailable
Explanation: Look in the target database server console log for a message like this:
Cannot open dbspace 'xxx' from file 'incorrect-filespec'.
If that's the problem, fix the filespec in the target database
ALTER DBSPACE xxx RENAME 'correct-filespec';
and then restart the target database and reconnect from Foxhound.
[ Top ]
Message: Fill in the "Connection Strings file:" field and press Save before clicking on ...
Before you click on any of these buttons on the Foxhound Monitor Options page, you must
provide a valid connection strings file specification:
[ Top ]
Message: Foxhound Extended edition is required for ...
Explanation: The Database Monitor portion of the Foxhound Basic edition will stop sampling the target database and display one of the following messages
when one of its limitations of the Basic edition is exceeded:
3:32:14 PM 1.8s -- Foxhound Extended edition is required for more than 1 physical processor on the target server --
3:32:12 PM 2.1s -- Foxhound Extended edition is required for more than 1 physical processor on the target server at --
2:11:52 PM 10.0s -- Foxhound Extended edition is required for more than 100 connections on one target database --
2:11:42 PM 6.5s -- Foxhound Extended edition is required for more than 100 connections on one target database at --
1:58:03 AM 12.5s -- Foxhound Extended edition is required for use with SQL Anywhere Standard or Advanced edition --
1:57:50 AM 2.4s -- Foxhound Extended edition is required for use with SQL Anywhere Standard or Advanced edition at --
To continue sampling you must obtain an Extended edition
registration key and enter it on the Foxhound About page.
See also...
What are the differences among the different editions of Foxhound: Rental, Basic and Extended?
[ Top ]
Message: Foxhound needs JavaScript to be enabled.
Explanation: Foxhound needs "JavaScript" or "Active scripting" to be enabled in the browser; here's how:
Firefox 3: Tools - Options - Content - check "Enable JavaScript"
IE 8: Tools - Internet Options - Security - Local intranet - Custom level...
- Scripting - Active scripting - check "Enable"
[ Top ]
Message: Foxhound was not available yet, probably because the Foxhound engine had not finished starting up.
If you have a lot of sampling sessions defined, even if they are all stopped, it takes some time for Foxhound to process them when starting up.
When this delay occurs, you may see "Foxhound was not available yet..." instead of the Foxhound Menu page.
You may also see "Preparing monitor sample sessions..." in the Foxhound database server console window for a long time before
"Foxhound now accepting requests" appears.
This delay will be longest when the computer running Foxhound has just been rebooted.
You can speed up the next startup by deleting old sample sessions you no long need.
[ Top ]
Message: Foxhound stopped
Explanation: Sampling stopped because the Foxhound engine was not running.
When Foxhound is restarted it will automatically try to reconnect to the target database and start sampling again.
[ Top ]
Message: Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
You may see a few of these messages in the Foxhound engine console log if you abruptly shut Foxhound down
while there are a large number of sampling sessions in progress; they are safe to ignore:
I. 10/03 14:12:33. Database server shutdown requested by DBSTOP
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_sample_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Handler for event 'rroad_monitor_main_loop' caused SQLSTATE '57014'
E. 10/03 14:12:38. Statement interrupted by user
I. 10/03 14:12:38. Starting checkpoint of "f" (foxhound3.db) at Sun Oct 03 2010 14:12
I. 10/03 14:12:38. Finished checkpoint of "f" (foxhound3.db) at Sun Oct 03 2010 14:12
I. 10/03 14:12:40. Database server stopped at Sun Oct 03 2010 14:12
[ Top ]
Message: Invalid server and/or database name: The database engine is stopping.
The Foxhound database was started with an unexpected server and/or database name,
possibly because one of the Foxhound command files was incorrectly edited.
[ Top ]
Message: I/O error Fatal error: A disk read from file "...\foxhound3.db" failed with error code: (23) -- transaction rolled back --
Explanation: The disk drive holding the Foxhound database may be faulty. Another possibility is that faulty RAM is
causing bogus disk-related error messages, in which case the computer should be stopped before the entire disk drive is corrupted.
Here's a sample of this error message as it appears in the Foxhound monitor display:
7:18:50 AM 6h 38m 24s -- I/O error Fatal error: A disk read from file "C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\foxhound3.db" failed with error code: (23) -- transaction rolled back --
12:41:13 AM Alert #1: Foxhound has been unable to gather samples for 1m or longer.
12:40:26 AM 1.1s -- I/O error Fatal error: A disk read from file "C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\foxhound3.db" failed with error code: (23) -- transaction rolled back at --
12:40:25 AM 2.2s -- Connection was terminated --
12:40:22 AM 13.7s -- Connection was terminated at --
That message may be accompanied by this message in the Foxhound engine console log:
*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201813 (
Checkpoint log: page buffer read failed with status 1:23
See also...
How do I see Foxhound diagnostics, errors and exceptions?
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
[ Top ]
Message: Internal Error 2203: C:\Windows\Installer\597604a.ipi,-2147287035
If this message appeared while you were running the
Foxhound "Unsetup" process, click OK and try running it again.
Then, don't wait too long to click on Yes when the following question appears in the User Account Control dialog box:
"Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?
[ Top ]
Message: Internal error: Retry loop failed to find a Top Sample or Most Recent Sample to display.
When Foxhound encounters invalid data ("Value out of range", etc.) when trying to display a sample in the Top Sample of the History page
or the Most Recent Sample of the Monitor page, it skips that sample by marking it lost and then looks for
an earlier sample to display.
If it performs this process 100 times without finding a valid sample, it gives
up an issues an "Internal error: Retry loop failed to find a Top Sample or Most Recent Sample to display."
message instead.
Please report this error; see
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
If possible, include the diagnostic dumps for the previous exceptions involving invalid data; here is an example:
1. Use the Foxhound Options - 8. Diagnostics - Display Diagnostics button to find the exception id for the "Retry loop failed" exception, 9670 in this case:
9670 - 2012-02-28 13:38:52.695 Full Build 4025a 32470 182a5(182eh2) Internal error: Retry loop failed to find a Top Sample or Most Recent Sample to display.
running for that sampling id. [4-Foxhound_on_old_Dell_XP]
The "Retry loop failed..." exception was preceded by 100 other exception messages; here are the last two...
9668 - 2012-02-28 13:38:52.542 Full Build 4025a 32470 182a3(182eh1) SQLCODE = -158, SQLSTATE = 22003, ERRORMSG() = Value 46116860613593576000 out of range for destination
9669 - 2012-02-28 13:38:52.680 Full Build 4025a 32470 182a3(182eh1) SQLCODE = -158, SQLSTATE = 22003, ERRORMSG() = Value 46116860613593576000 out of range for destination
2. Run adhoc queries to see the associated diagnostic exception dumps (see How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?):
SELECT * FROM exception_dump WHERE exception_id IN ( 9668, 9669 );
9668,5720,2012-02-28 13:38:52.638,'''182a3'',''(182eh1)'',5,174924,''N'',''Y'','''',48135,141,0,2012-02-25 23:37:06.233,
5,''Off'',60,2055699670,''xxx'',''2012-01-25 20:23:24.305352'',0,50532,50923,113980,2821290,0,3081820,0,261656,1,0,87,
9669,5721,2012-02-28 13:38:52.757,'''182a3'',''(182eh1)'',5,174917,''N'',''Y'','''',61238,145,0,2012-02-25 23:36:15.701,
5,''Off'',60,2055698440,''xxx'',''2012-01-25 20:23:24.305352'',0,63667,47745,145261,6110614,0,6198114,0,88976,2,0,1455,
See also...
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?
How do I see the schema for adhoc reporting?
[ Top ]
Message: Invalid database engine command line
Explanation: If Foxhound is trying to make connection to a local SQL Anywhere 5.5 target
database, make sure that "Agent - Not Specified" is
selected on the Startup Options dialog box of the ODBC DSN.
In particular, the registry entry for the ODBC DSN should not
include an "Agent"="..." line.
[ Top ]
Message: Invalid database server command line
Explanation: This is a generic error message produced by the dbspawn.exe utility when the Foxhound database fails
to start properly because dbsrv16.exe has detected some problem. To determine what the real problem is,
try using one of the "debug" shortcuts to start the Foxhound engine:
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via default browser - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Chrome - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Firefox - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via IE - debug
See also...
Can't open Message window log file: foxhound3_debug.txt
[ Top ]
Message: Invalid user ID or password
Explanation: Passwords may be cAsE sEnSiTiVe in target databases created with SQL Anywhere Version 10 and later.
Perhaps the password has changed and Foxhound needs to use the new value:
If this message appears on the Foxhound Monitor page for a session that uses an ODBC DSN to connect,
and the user id and password specified inside that DSN are used to make the connection,
try updating the DSN to specify the new password.
If this message appears on the Foxhound Monitor page for a session that uses an ODBC DSN to connect,
but the user id and password were explicitly specified on the Foxhound menu when
the Monitor session was originally started, try specifying the user id and new password on the menu
page and clicking on the Monitor Database button again.
[ Top ]
Message: Item 'rroad_..._properties' already exists
Explanation: If you see this message when you are reloading your target database after unloading it, just press Continue to ignore it and proceed:
You may see three consecutive messages; press Continue to ignore each one:
Could not execute statement.
Item 'rroad_engine_properties' already exists
SQLCODE=-110, ODBC 3 State="42S01"
Line 4643, column 1
You can continue executing or stop.
Could not execute statement.
Item 'rroad_database_properties' already exists
SQLCODE=-110, ODBC 3 State="42S01"
Line 4774, column 1
You can continue executing or stop.
Could not execute statement.
Item 'rroad_connection_properties' already exists
SQLCODE=-110, ODBC 3 State="42S01"
Line 4880, column 1
You can continue executing or stop.
Here's what might have happened:
The Foxhound Monitor was set up to gather samples from your target database.
You decided to unload, recreate and reload that database.
When you unloaded the database, the reload.sql file included CREATE PROCEDURE statements for the three procedures named in the error messages above.
When you started the new database, but before you had a chance to run the reload.sql file, the Foxhound Monitor connected to the new (empty) database.
The Foxhound Monitor then immediately ran its own CREATE PROCEDURE statements for those three procedures. See
Help - Introduction - Connecting to Target Databases
for more information about this process.
When you ran the the reload, it could not execute the CREATE PROCEDURE statements in the reload.sql file because those procedures already existed.
Since they are already there, just press Continue to ignore the messages...
...or, edit the reload.sql file to remove the three CREATE PROCEDURE statements.
See also...
Help - Introduction - Connecting to Target Databases
[ Top ]
Message: No detailed information about the ... connection(s) is recorded for the sample taken at ...
When Foxhound is successfully gathering samples there is always at least one connection to the target database: the connection from Foxhound itself.
However, information about individual connections may not be recorded because it has been deleted or it was never recorded in the first place.
If that is the case, the blocked connections and current connections sections will display these messages:
No detailed information about blocked connections is recorded for the sample taken at ...
No detailed information about the ... connection(s) is recorded for the sample taken at ...
Here are the reasons information about individual connections may not be recorded.
The number of connections exceeded the Foxhound Options - Connection Sampling Threshold when the sample was recorded.
The Monitor Options - Connection Sample Schedule was set to skip connections when the sample was recorded.
The Foxhound Options - Purge process has deleted all the connection information for the sample.
[ Top ]
Message: No information about ... connections has been gathered yet.
Explanation: No samples have been recorded yet so there is no information about blocked connections yet either.
Two versions of this message are produced; here's the full text:
No information about blocked connections has been gathered yet.
No information about connections has been gathered yet.
[ Top ]
Message: No information about ... connections is available for the sample lost at ...
Explanation: This sample was lost so there is no information about connections.
Two versions of this message are produced; here's the full text:
No information about blocked connections is available for the sample lost at xxx.
No information about connections is available for the sample lost at xxx.
[ Top ]
Message: Older samples purged at ...
Explanation: The Foxhound purge process last ran at the "Older sample purged at ..." date/time, and
the sample date/time shown to the left identifies the most recent sample that was deleted.
See Foxhound Options - Purge sample data.
[ Top ]
Message: Permission denied: Cannot CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_...
Explanation: Foxhound has been unable to create one or more of the following procedures on the target database:
Foxhound will still work but performance of Foxhound itself may be affected, especially if there are a lot of connections to the target database.
One solution is to GRANT RESOURCE to the user id Foxhound uses to connect to the target database.
Another solution is to create the procedures yourself on the target database, with the Foxhound user id as the owner;
see Help - Introduction - Connecting to Target Databases.
[ Top ]
Message: Pick a valid ODBC DSN, and specify the user id and password on the Foxhound DSN tab or inside the DSN itself
Explanation: When using the DSN tab on the Foxhound menu to choose Display Schema or Monitor Database, both the user id and password values must be specified
together, in the same place: either explicitly in the User Id: and Password: fields on the menu, or inside the target database ODBC DSN itself.
Currently, Foxhound cannot deal with the following scenarios:
This message may also appear in a Database Monitor session that was once able to connect to the
target database via an ODBC User DSN, but is no longer able to connect because the Foxhound database
was started as a service and thus requires System DSNs in order to connect to target databases.
Try deleting the User DSN and recreating it as a System DSN; that will allow Foxhound to reconnect
and resume sampling in the old sampling session rather that starting a new session.
[ Top ]
Message: Procedure rroad_... has been upgraded from build number ... to ... on ...
Explanation: You installed a new build of Foxhound, and when it connected to a target database it successfully
pushed the new version of this stored procedure to that target database.
This message usually appears in sets of three because there are three procedures pushed to each target database "xxx":
2012-10-21 10:34:52.193 Full Build 4209a 1000000205 204.d1b(204eh-b6) Info: Procedure rroad_engine_properties has been upgraded from build number 4206 to 4209 on ddd12 [1-ddd12]
2012-10-21 10:34:52.250 Full Build 4209a 1000000205 204.d6b(204eh-b9) Info: Procedure rroad_database_properties has been upgraded from build number 4206 to 4209 on ddd12 [1-ddd12]
2012-10-21 10:34:52.457 Full Build 4209a 1000000205 204.e2b(204eh-c3) Info: Procedure rroad_connection_properties has been upgraded from build number 4206 to 4209 on ddd12 [1-ddd12]
[ Top ]
Message: Procedure rroad_... not used; build number ... is more recent than Foxhound build number ...
Explanation: A newer version of the Foxhound Monitor was previously used on this target database.
Use the new version of Foxhound instead of this one, or drop the following procedures from the target database as follows...
DROP PROCEDURE rroad_engine_properties;
DROP PROCEDURE rroad_database_properties;
DROP PROCEDURE rroad_connection_properties;
... and then use the Stop Sampling and Start Sampling buttons on
the Foxhound Monitor page to get the old
version of Foxhound to install its own version of these procedures.
[ Top ]
Message: Purge run ... which started at ... has been cancelled because it was running too long.
The purge process is working very hard; if Foxhound performance isn't adversely affected then this message is safe to ignore.
Otherwise, try setting Purge speed: to a lower value; e.g., 7 instead of 10.
[ Top ]
Message: Request Time-Out (408)
Explanation: Try using a number larger than 600 seconds for the one or both of the HTTP protocol options
TimeOut (to) and KeepaliveTimeOut (kto)... or change them to zero to disable HTTP timeouts.
You can do this by editing one or more of the following Windows command files:
By default, those command files are installed here on Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RisingRoad\Foxhound3
and on Windows 7 they are here:
Look for a line inside each command file that says this:
-xs http(port=80;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600)^
and change one or both of the 600 values to zero (to disable timeouts) or something larger than 600 seconds (10 minutes).
[ Top ]
Message: Sample Schedule in effect
Each sample session is either under manual control, in which case various Stop and Start buttons are available,
or under control of a sample schedule, in which case the schedule has control and the buttons are replaced with the
message "Sample Schedule in effect".
In the latter case, the message is a link to the Monitor Options page
where it is possible to modify or disable the schedule.
[ Top ]
Message: Sampling stopped
Explanation: Samples were not recorded because you clicked Stop Sampling.
[ Top ]
Message: Setup error: DIAG yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.sss ...
Something has gone wrong during the post-setup process of a Foxhound installation.
If the full text of the "Setup error:" message doesn't help, have a look at the post_setup_trace.txt file;
see How do I figure out what went wrong during an installation?
Even if the installation has replaced the old copy of your Foxhound database with a new one, you can start over again as follows:
Run the Foxhound "Unsetup" process
(see How do I run the Foxhound "unsetup" process?),
restore the old copies of the foxhound3.db and foxhound3.log files from the
C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\backup\previous_build folder to the
C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3 folder, and
run the Foxhound Installshield setup again.
[ Top ]
Message: SMTP send ... email failed with return code ... when sending "..."
Explanation: This error message may appear in two locations. It may be displayed on the Monitor page:
EMAIL FAILURE - SMTP send Alert email failed with return code 5 when sending "03:34 - ALERT #1 - Database unresponsive - benchmark_test_on_BRECK-PC"
and it may also recorded as a exception displayed on the Foxhound Options page:
2 2010-03-10 03:34:38.484 Full Build 3642a 1000000083 223b9(223eh3) Info: SMTP send Alert email failed with return code 5 when sending "03:34 - ALERT #1 - Database unresponsive - benchmark_test_on_BRECK-PC"
Here's a list of return codes:
0 Success
2 xp_startsmtp failed.
3 xp_stopsmtp failed.
5 xp_sendmail failed.
12 Attachment not found.
15 Insufficient memory.
20 Unknown recipient.
25 Mail session failed to start.
100 Socket error.
Antivirus software may have blocked the outbound connection to the SMTP server.
Check the "SMTP Server:" field.
101 Socket timeout.
102 Unable to resolve the SMTP server hostname.
103 Unable to connect to the SMTP server.
104 Server error; response not understood.
Check the "SMTP Server:" field.
105 A TLS error occurred.
Check the "SMTP Authorization User Name:", "SMTP Authorization Password:" and
"SMTP Certificate Filespec:" fields.
421 Domain service not available, closing transmission channel.
450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable.
451 Requested action not taken: local error in processing. Message may have
been rejected as spam.
452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage.
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. (This may include errors such as
a command that is too long).
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
502 Command not implemented.
503 Bad sequence of commands.
504 Command parameter not implemented.
511 Bad email address.
550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. For example, the mailbox is
not found, there is no access, or no relay is allowed.
551 User not local; please try forward-path.
552 Request mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation.
553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed. For example, the
mailbox syntax is incorrect.
554 Transaction failed.
The message may have been rejected as spam.
See also...
SMTP Error Codes & SMTP Status Codes & SMTP Reply Codes Reference 2010
[ Top ]
Message: Specified database file already in use
Explanation: Use the ODBC Administrator link to check the ODBC DSN for a problem like this:
The "Database file:" field is filled in and "Start database automatically" is
checked, but the database is already running. If your ODBC DSN specifies
different "Server name" and/or "Database name" values than the ones already
in use, it will try to start the same database file a second time, and that
is not allowed.
If that is the case, change the "Server name" and/or "Database name" values
to match the ones already in use. You can leave the "Database file:" field
is filled in and "Start database automatically" checked if you want, so your
ODBC DSN will auto-start the database when it isn't already running.
This message is safe to ignore if it is produced by the All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Backup Foxhound Database process.
[ Top ]
Message: Specified database not found
Explanation: Check ODBC DSN or connection string for a problem like one of these:
The server is running, but the database name is wrong.
The server is not running, and no database file is specified.
The server starts OK, but the specified database file is not found.
[ Top ]
Message: SQL Anywhere database version ... not supported
Explanation: Currently, Foxhound only supports target databases created with SQL Anywhere versions 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
[ Top ]
Message: SQL Anywhere database server ... not supported
Explanation: Currently, Foxhound only supports target databases running on SQL Anywhere 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 engines.
[ Top ]
Message: SQL Anywhere version ... not supported.
Explanation: Foxhound currently supports only databases created with SQL Anywhere 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
[ Top ]
Message: SQL Anywhere version ... or later is required to run this application.
Explanation: Other versions of SQL Anywhere can be used to run the databases being
displayed, but Foxhound itself requires a particular version to run.
[ Top ]
Message: SQLCODE = -307, SQLSTATE = 40W06, ERRORMSG() = All threads are blocked
If this error occurred in Foxhound itself, rather than on a target database, please report it:
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
See also...
How do I see Foxhound diagnostics, errors and exceptions?
[ Top ]
Message: Statement interrupted by user
Explanation: It is probably safe to ignore all "Statement interrupted by user" exceptions, especially if you aren't seeing any other symptoms:
11 2010-12-26 13:49:13.066 Full Build ----- 5809 050a5(050eh1) SQLCODE = -299, SQLSTATE = 57014, ERRORMSG() = Statement interrupted by user
When you hit the browser Back or Refresh buttons while Foxhound's web interface is executing a query or some other
operation on the Foxhound database, Foxhound may record a "Statement interrupted by user" exception.
Nothing bad has happened; Foxhound is simply being overzealous when it records this event as an exception.
See also...
How do I see Foxhound diagnostics, errors and exceptions?
[ Top ]
Message: Stop Foxhound Engine requested at ...
Explanation: The Foxhound engine stopped because you clicked on the Stop Foxhound Engine button.
[ Top ]
Message: Syntax error: syntax error near ...
Explanation: If the target database is using SQL Anywhere 5.5 and you get one of these messages, try
upgrading the target database engine to
Syntax error: near 'rroad_..._properties' in "[rroad_..._properties]"
Syntax error: syntax error near 'creator'
Syntax error: syntax error near 'sa_conn_properties'
Syntax error: syntax error near 'table_name'
[ Top ]
Message: Target SQL Anywhere server version ... not supported
Explanation: Check the Foxhound website
to see if there is a more recent build of Foxhound that does support
target databases using the version of SQL Anywhere shown in the message.
[ Top ]
Message: The activation upgrade was not successful: The registration key has been used before.
You get this message when you try to use an activation key more than once.
If you are trying to upgrade or renew Foxhound, you must obtain a registration key for that purpose; see
How do I get a registration key for Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: The $backup_foxhound3.bat file looked for a path specification in the FOXHOUND3 environment variable and it was empty.
Explanation: You may see the following error message if you are using the Task Scheduler on Windows Vista or Windows 7 to
backup the Foxhound database using the technique described here:
(see How do I backup my Foxhound database on a regular basis?
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $backup_foxhound3.bat file looked for a path specification
*** in the FOXHOUND3 environment variable and it was empty.
*** Try rebooting and running $backup_foxhound3.bat again,
*** then contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Here's when the problem might occur: After reinstalling Foxhound or installing a new build using
the technique described here,
the FOXHOUND3 environment variable may no longer be visible to the scheduled backup task.
Here's a workaround: Reboot the computer after installing a new version of Foxhound.
See also...
How do I backup my Foxhound database on a regular basis?
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
How do I reinstall Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: The $backup_foxhound3_log.bat file did not find an existing full backup of the database and log files in the folder ...
Before running the All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Backup Foxhound Transaction Log shortcut, you have run
the Backup Foxhound Database shortcut at least once:
C:\Windows\system32>ECHO OFF
Backup Foxhound Transaction Log
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $backup_foxhound3_log.bat file did not find an existing
*** full backup of the database and log files in the folder
*** C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\backup\generation3
*** Try running $backup_foxhound3.bat first,
*** then try running $backup_foxhound3_log.bat again,
*** then contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue . . .
[ Top ]
Message: The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost
Explanation: Start the Foxhound engine and try again.
[ Top ]
Message: The data upgrade process has begun: to build ... from ...
Explanation: The Foxhound post-setup process has begun to copy and upgrade the data stored in a previous version of the Foxhound database.
More information may be found in this file on Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\setup\post_setup_trace.txt
and on Vista or Windows 7:
See also...
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: The data upgrade process has failed: to build ... from ...; diagnostics = "..."
Explanation: The Foxhound post-setup process was unable to copy and upgrade the data stored in a previous version of the Foxhound database.
This doesn't stop the new installation, but it does mean the history of Monitor samples and alerts did not get copied over to the new installation,
nor did your Foxhound option and alert settings.
More information may be found in this file on Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\setup\post_setup_trace.txt
and on Vista or Windows 7:
See also...
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: The data upgrade process has succeeded: to build ... from ...
Explanation: The Foxhound post-setup process has successfully copied and upgraded the data stored in a previous version of the Foxhound database.
More information may be found in this file on Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\setup\post_setup_trace.txt
and on Vista or Windows 7:
See also...
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: The database engine is stopping. Use an acceptable server and database name.
Explanation: The SQL Anywhere command that starts the Foxhound database must specify acceptable names in
the -n server name and -n database name parameters; e.g., -n foxhound3 and -n f.
Nine other names may be used in the -n server name parameter
when starting multiple copies of Foxhound with
the Extended or Rental editions of Foxhound:
-n foxhound3b, -n foxhound3c, -n foxhound3d, -n foxhound3e, -n foxhound3f, -n foxhound3g,
-n foxhound3h, -n foxhound3i and -n foxhound3c.
In all cases the -n database name parameter must be -n f.
See also...
What are the differences among the different editions of Foxhound: Rental, Basic and Extended?
[ Top ]
Message: The database engine is stopping. Use the Extended edition when starting multiple copies of Foxhound.
Explanation: The SQL Anywhere command that starts the Foxhound database must specify acceptable names in
the -n server name and -n database name parameters; e.g., -n foxhound3 and -n f.
Nine other names may be used in the -n server name parameter
when starting multiple copies of Foxhound with
the Extended or Rental editions of Foxhound:
-n foxhound3b, -n foxhound3c, -n foxhound3d, -n foxhound3e, -n foxhound3f, -n foxhound3g,
-n foxhound3h, -n foxhound3i and -n foxhound3c.
In all cases the -n database name parameter must be -n f.
See also...
What are the differences among the different editions of Foxhound: Rental, Basic and Extended?
[ Top ]
Message: The Foxhound database must run on its own SQL Anywhere engine.
Explanation: Here is the full message text:
The Foxhound database must run on its own SQL Anywhere engine.
Do not start another database on the same engine, and
do not start the Foxhound database on an engine that is already running another database.
It is possible that some other database was accidentally started (or auto-started) on the SQL Anywhere engine
that is running Foxhound. By default the server command lines that start Foxhound specify the dbsrv16 -sb 0 and -xd
options to prevent that from happening.
To get around this problem, take whatever steps are necessary to prevent any other database from being
started on the Foxhound engine, and then stop and restart the Foxhound engine.
See also...
How do I stop and restart Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: The Foxhound engine has been shut down.
Explanation: The Foxhound engine stopped because you clicked on the Stop Foxhound Engine button.
[ Top ]
Message: The initial activation was not successful: The registration key did not work.
Explanation: The registration key you entered is either invalid, or it will not work on the copy of Foxhound you have installed.
Enter the correct registration key, or get a copy of Foxhound that will work with the key you have, or get another key.
[ Top ]
Message: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Explanation: If this message appears during the "post setup" step during a Foxhound upgrade, it probably
means the Foxhound engine is already running as a service and it cannot be stopped by the post setup process.
As a result, the Foxhound upgrade will not work properly.
Try stopping the service and rerunning the upgrade, including the initial "unsetup" step:
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
Here is an example of this and other related error messages produced by the post setup process
when the Foxhound engine is running as a service:
*** Starting the existing Foxhound database...
19/07/2010 15:20:03.26 Foxhound 1.3736 *** ERRORLEVEL = 1
*** ...no, the existing Foxhound database did NOT start.
07/19 15:20:02. Cannot access "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application D
ata\RisingRoad\Foxhound3\foxhound3.db": another process may be using the file
*** Moving the old Foxhound database files...
A subdirectory or file backup already exists.
A subdirectory or file previous_build already exists.
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $post_setup.bat file could not MOVE the old
*** foxhound3.db file to the "previous_build" subfolder.
*** Contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue processing...
Press any key to continue . . .
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $post_setup.bat file could not MOVE the old
*** foxhound3.log file to the "previous_build" subfolder.
*** Contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue processing...
Press any key to continue . . .
*** Moving the new Foxhound database files...
Access is denied.
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $post_setup.bat file could not MOVE the new
*** foxhound3.db file to the FOXHOUND3 folder.
*** Contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue processing...
Press any key to continue . . .
Access is denied.
*** ERROR ********************************************************
*** The $post_setup.bat file could not MOVE the new
*** foxhound3.log file to the FOXHOUND3 folder.
*** Contact Breck.Carter@gmail.com
Press any key to continue processing...
Press any key to continue . . .
*** Deleting the temporary setup files...
*** Wrapping up...
*** ERROR ********************************************************
dbspawn old_foxhound3 ERRORLEVEL = 1
See also...
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
[ Top ]
Message: The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
Try starting Foxhound with the 32-bit version of SQL Anywhere; see
How do I start Foxhound with the 32-bit version of SQL Anywhere when both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of SQL Anywhere are installed?
[ Top ]
Message: The system cannot find the file specified.
Explanation: This message is safe to ignore if it is produced by the All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Backup Foxhound Database process.
[ Top ]
Message: The system cannot find the path specified.
Explanation: This message may indicate that SQL Anywhere 16 should be installed or reinstalled.
See also...
What are the Foxhound system requirements?
[ Top ]
Message: The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
Explanation: The FOXHOUND3 environment variable may not be set yet; see
How do I get the new value of the FOXHOUND3 environment variable to show up after Foxhound is installed?
[ Top ]
Message: The table ... has more than one index on columns ( ... )
Explanation: Multiple indexes on the same columns often indicate an inefficiency or error in database design.
Sometimes multiple indexes are redundant, and redundant indexes may waste space in the database; they may
also waste time every time a row is inserted or deleted, and every time the indexed columns are
updated. Other times, multiple indexes aren't redundant, but they still might indicate a flaw in the database design.
Note: Versions 10 and later of SQL Anywhere do not create duplicate physical indexes when
duplicate logical indexes are defined. However, Foxhound still warns about these duplicates
because it may be a design issue. The duplication may affect performance; e.g., if one of the
indexes is incorrect it may not be used to improve performance in the way it was intended.
It may also affect integrity; e.g., if one of the indexes is a foreign key referring to the
wrong column it may not be used to check referential integrity in the way it was intended.
Note: Versions 7 and later of SQL Anywhere automatically create a separate unique index for
every PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE column or table constraint that you define, as well as a separate non-unique
index for every FOREIGN KEY constraint. There is no reason to explicitly create indexes on the same
columns, and such indexes are redundant.
However, versions 5 and 6 of SQL Anywhere create a combined index for each PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE
constraint; this index "also contains the entries for all foreign keys that reference this table,
whether those foreign keys appear in the same table or in a different one" (from the ASA 6 User's Guide,
Chapter 25, The effect of column order in a composite index). These combined indexes can be much
larger than an ordinary index on the primary key or unique constraint columns, and in those cases
an explicitly created unique index on the same columns may improve performance. Such indexes are
no longer needed in versions 7 and later.
The following discussion is written in terms of SQL Anywhere Version 9; i.e., separate indexes are
automatically created for all primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys.
Each list of two or more indexes is sorted by "relative importance" to help you choose which ones
to keep: primary key first, then foreign key, UNIQUE constraint, UNIQUE index and finally non-unique index.
Each pair of multiple indexes should be considered separately, as follows:
Primary key and unique constraint on the same columns: The unique constraint is redundant
and should be dropped; a primary key acts as a unique constraint and is supported by a unique index.
If the unique constraint is clustered, make the primary key clustered.
Primary key and unique index on the same columns: The unique index is redundant and should
be dropped. If the unique index is clustered, make the primary key clustered.
Primary key and non-unique index on the same columns: The non-unique
index is redundant and should be dropped. If the non-unique index is clustered,
make the primary key clustered.
Primary key and foreign key on the same columns: Determine why this
table has the same columns in the primary key as in the parent table's
primary key or unique constraint that is the target of the foreign key;
there may be a design error. Otherwise, if the primary key and foreign key
are both required, there's nothing that can be done about the fact the
foreign key index is redundant from a performance point of view.
Two unique constraints on the same columns: One unique constraint is
redundant and should be dropped. If one of the unique constraints is
clustered, drop the other one.
Unique constraint and unique index on the same columns: The unique
index is redundant and should be dropped; each unique constraint is
supported by a unique index. If the unique index is clustered, make the
unique constraint clustered.
Unique constraint and non-unique index on the same columns: The
non-unique index is redundant and should be dropped. If the non-unique
index is clustered, make the unique constraint clustered.
Unique constraint and foreign key on the same columns: Determine
why this table has the same columns in the candidate key (unique constraint)
as in the parent table's primary key or unique constraint that is the
target of the foreign key; there may be a design error. Otherwise, if
the unique constraint and foreign key are both required, there's nothing
that can be done about the fact the foreign key index is redundant from
a performance point of view.
Two unique indexes on the same columns: One unique index is
redundant and should be dropped. If one of the unique indexes is
clustered, drop the other one.
Unique index and non-unique index on the same columns: The
non-unique index is redundant and should be dropped. If the non-unique
index is clustered, make the unique index clustered.
Unique index and foreign key on the same columns: Determine why
this table has the same columns in the unique index as in the parent
table's primary key or unique constraint that is the target of the
foreign key; there may be a design error. Otherwise, if the unique
index and foreign key are both required, there's nothing that can be
done about the fact the foreign key index is redundant from a performance
point of view.
Two non-unique indexes on the same columns: One non-unique index
is redundant and should be dropped. If one of the non-unique indexes is
clustered, drop the other one.
Non-unique index and foreign key on the same columns: The non-unique
index is redundant and should be dropped. If the non-unique index is
clustered, make the foreign key clustered.
Two foreign keys on the same columns: If the same primary key or
unique constraint in the same parent table is the target for both foreign
keys, one of the foreign keys is redundant and should be dropped.
Otherwise, determine why two different foreign key constraints on the
same column are required; there may be a design error. If both foreign
keys are required, there's nothing that can be done about the fact one
of them is redundant from a performance point of view.
[ Top ]
Message: The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.
Explanation: Without a primary key or unique constraint, some operations may be slow.
Four different flavors of this message may be produced, flagged as Note, Warning, Caution and Danger:
Note: The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.
This table currently has fewer than 1,000 rows so there may be no
performance problems, but if the table grows larger those operations
may become extremely slow.
Warning: The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.
This table currently has more than 1,000 rows; performance may
not be a problem now but if the table grows larger those
operations may become extremely slow.
Caution: The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.
This table has more than 100,000 rows so there is a very real chance those operations will be extremely slow.
Danger: The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.
This table has more than one million rows so there is a very real danger those operations will
be extremely slow; think geological time scale :)
See also...
The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.
[ Top ]
Message: The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.
Explanation: Because there is no way to uniquely identify each row in this table, queries and database recovery operations may be slow.
Four different flavors of this message may be produced, flagged as Note, Warning, Caution and Danger:
Note: The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.
This table currently has fewer than 1,000 rows so there may be no
performance problems, but if the table grows larger those operations
may become extremely slow.
Warning: The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.
This table currently has more than 1,000 rows; performance may
not be a problem now but if the table grows larger those
operations may become extremely slow.
Caution: The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.
This table has more than 100,000 rows so there is a very real chance those operations will be extremely slow.
Danger: The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.
This table has more than one million rows so there is a very real danger those operations will
be extremely slow; think geological time scale :)
See also...
The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.
[ Top ]
Message: The table or view ... was not found, probably because it has been recently dropped.
Explanation: The schema in the right frame is displayed using up-to-date information from the target database.
This message is produced when you click on a table name in the left frame,
and that table has been dropped since the left frame was displayed.
[ Top ]
Message: This view has no column definitions in SYSCOLUMN; it may contain a syntax error.
Explanation: This is an informational message only. This view may raise a syntax error if you use it in a SQL statement.
[ Top ]
Message: There are no user tables to display.
Explanation: This database only contains system tables. You can see the system tables
by checking Include system tables on the main menu.
[ Top ]
Message: This monitor session has been stopped and the samples have been deleted.
Explanation: This database monitor session can no longer be displayed because it has been stopped and
all the corresponding data has been deleted.
If you want to start monitoring this database again, open a new Foxhound menu and then use
the Monitor Database button on the DSN or String tab of the Foxhound menu.
[ Top ]
Message: To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer.
Explanation: In Internet Explorer, go to Tools - Internet Options... - Advanced tab.
Then scroll down to Security options and check "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer".
[ Top ]
Message: Too many sampling sessions in progress. Stop one and try again.
Try stopping one of the other sampling sessions; this one should then be able to start automatically.
The Foxhound Standard Edition supports 10 sampling sessions, and the Extended Edition supports up to 100 sessions.
If this message is displayed incorrectly, try stopping and restarting Foxhound. If this situation persists, please report the problem.
See also...
How do I upgrade Foxhound from one edition to another?
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
[ Top ]
Message: Unable to stop database server -- Request to start/stop database denied.
Explanation: The dbstop.exe utility was unable to stop the Foxhound database, possibly because
it was originally started via the network server dbsrv16.exe without -gk all being
specified on the command line.
This problem can affect the post-setup stage of a Foxhound installation, as well as
the following Foxhound shortcuts:
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via default browser - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Chrome - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via Firefox - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Start Foxhound via IE - debug
All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Stop Foxhound Engine
See also...
How do I figure out what went wrong during an installation?
Can't open Message window log file: foxhound3_debug.txt
Invalid database server command line
[ Top ]
Message: Unable to stop database server -- Database server not found.
Explanation: The dbstop.exe utility was unable to stop the Foxhound database because it couldn't connect to the database.
This usually means Foxhound wasn't running in the first place, and in that case this message can be safely ignored.
Here's a sample of this error message from the
post_setup_trace.txt file:
Fri 12/31/2010 7:59:42.59 Foxhound 1.3806 *** dbstop 1 old_foxhound3 ERRORLEVEL = 9
SQL Anywhere Stop Server Utility Version
Unable to stop database server -- Database server not found.
See also...
How do I figure out what went wrong during an installation?
[ Top ]
Message: Unacceptable SQL Anywhere server edition: The database engine is stopping.
Explanation: Foxhound is not licensed to run using an "OEM" or "Authenticated" edition of SQL Anywhere.
Foxhound can connect to and monitor a target database running on an OEM or Authenticated edition of SQL Anywhere, but
Foxhound itself requires a non-authenticated edition to run.
[ Top ]
Message: Unexpected operation: "..."
Please report this error; see
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
See also...
How do I see Foxhound diagnostics, errors and exceptions?
[ Top ]
Message: User "DBA" dropped event connection ... ("rroad_monitor_sample_loop")
These messages appear in the Foxhound database engine console log when the Foxhound
Monitor has given up waiting for a "connection failed" response to its attempt to connect to the target database:
Connection 1000002140 dropped by Foxhound because it failed to connect to target DSN RuralFinds_Bonnie after 16.1s (timeout threshold is 15.0s; see Foxhound Options)
User "DBA" dropped event connection 1000002140 ("rroad_monitor_sample_loop")
Note that Foxhound does not give up trying to connect just because a connection failed, that's not what this kind of "timeout" is;
for more information see
Help - Foxhound Options - Connection Timeout.
To stop further attempts to restart start sampling for this target database after a timeout, click on Start Sampling, then Cancel Request.
To stop all further attempts to restart sampling after a time out, or to change how often the attempts are made, see
Help - Foxhound Options - Timeout Retry.
It is also normal to see several messages like this when the Foxhound engine is forcibly stopped while it is sampling several target databases.
See also...
Help - Foxhound Options - Diagnostics
Help - Foxhound Options - Connection Timeout
Help - Foxhound Options - Timeout Retry
[ Top ]
Message: User-defined exception signaled
If you see "SQL error: User-defined exception signaled" displayed instead of the Foxhound page you expect,
try using the Foxhound Options - Diagnostics - Display Diagnostics button to see if there are any diagnostic
messages associated with this problem.
You may see one or more messages like this:
342 2012-11-14 17:21:26.237 Full Build 4215a 1559 210a-a7(210eh1) SQLCODE = -297, SQLSTATE = 99010, ERRORMSG() = Internal error 99010
343 2012-11-14 17:21:26.238 Full Build 4215a 1559 210a-d1b(210eh1) SQLCODE = -297, SQLSTATE = 99010, ERRORMSG() = Internal error 99010
The following "Internal error" values may indicate that the Monitor Options settings have been deleted or become corrupted for a sampling session. In this case
the workaround is to stop sampling, delete the affected sampling session, and then restart sampling for that target database.
99001 99002 99003 99004 99005 99006 99007 99008 99009 99010
99011 99012 99013 99014 99015 99016 99017 99018 99019 99020
99021 99022 99023 99024 99025 99026 99027 99028 99029 99030
99031 99032 99033 99034 99035 99036 99037 99038 99039 99040
99041 99042 99043 99044 99045 99046 99047 99048 99049 99050
99051 99052 99053 99054 99055 99056 99057 99058 99059 99060
99061 99062 99063 99064 99065 99066 99067 99068 99069 99070
In particular, the message "Internal error 99064" may indicate that the sampling session currently displayed on the Monitor Options page
has been deleted, perhaps when the Delete Multiple Monitor Sessions. In that case, Foxhound mistakenly tries (and fails)
to display the deleted set of Monitor Options instead of switching to the "Default Settings". The default workaround is to
close the failing Monitor Options page, and open it again for a different sampling session, or for the "Default Settings" which is never deleted.
Please report this error; see
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
See also...
How do I see Foxhound diagnostics, errors and exceptions?
How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?
[ Top ]
Message: Value '...' out of range for destination
This is an unexpected error, possibly caused by a problem with the performance statistics received from the target database server.
Please report this error; see
How do I report unexpected errors and exceptions?
See also...
How do I see Foxhound diagnostics, errors and exceptions?
This page was last generated on July 27, 2016.
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