Message: Specified database file already in use
Explanation: Use the ODBC Administrator link to check the ODBC DSN for a problem like this:
The "Database file:" field is filled in and "Start database automatically" is
checked, but the database is already running. If your ODBC DSN specifies
different "Server name" and/or "Database name" values than the ones already
in use, it will try to start the same database file a second time, and that
is not allowed.
If that is the case, change the "Server name" and/or "Database name" values
to match the ones already in use. You can leave the "Database file:" field
is filled in and "Start database automatically" checked if you want, so your
ODBC DSN will auto-start the database when it isn't already running.
This message is safe to ignore if it is produced by the All Programs - Foxhound1 - Tools - Backup Foxhound Database process.