Foxhound 1.2 FAQ
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Question: How do I tell Foxhound to send Alert emails via the Gmail SMTP server


In order to use you need to provide three pieces of identification:

  1. a Google Mail account,

  2. the password for that account and

  3. the SSL certificate currently used by Google Mail.

Items 1 and 2 are easy to get; here's how to get number 3:

  • Choose a folder to store the SSL certificate; e.g., c:\temp

  • Open this link to the Equifax SSL certificate in your browser: Download - Equifax Secure Certificate Authority (Base-64 encoded X.509)

  • Click right-mouse - Save As... on the certificate displayed in your browser.

  • Choose a File name: c:\temp\Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority.cer

  • Choose a Save as type: Web Page, Complete

  • Click on Save.

Now you can fill in the blanks on the Foxhound Options page:

2. Global Email Settings

                 SMTP Sender:	
                 SMTP Server:
                   SMTP Port: 587
                SMTP Timeout: 60
SMTP Authorization User Name:
 SMTP Authorization Password: ********
   SMTP Certificate Filespec: c:\temp\Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority.cer

Before actually sending any emails, you must also fill in the "Email address(es) for Alerts:" field on the Monitor Options page:

2. Database-Specific Email Settings for [Default Settings]

             Send Alert emails:	
  Email address(es) for alerts:	
            Use HTML in emails:	
Host[:port] for URLs in emails:	

See also...
SMTP Error Codes & SMTP Status Codes & SMTP Reply Codes Reference 2010

This page was last updated on November 12, 2011. Foxhound 1.2 FAQ Home      Foxhound Home      RisingRoad