Foxhound 1.2 FAQ
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Question: How do I get an HTTP request log for Foxhound?


At the very least, you must add both the dbn=f and the log=filespec network protocol parameters to the dbsrv12 -xs http(...) parameter when starting Foxhound.

Don't forget the dbn=f parameter; it's not documented as being required, but if you leave it out nothing will be written to the log file.

Also, if you include the lf= network protocol parameter with embedded spaces, the whole http() parameter must be enclosed in double quotes: dbsrv12 -xs "http(...)"

Here is an excerpt from the C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound1\$start_foxhound1_engine.bat command file showing a modified -xs http(...) parameter:

  -c 25p^
  -ch 50p^
  -gk all^
  -gn 120^
  -gna 0^
  -n foxhound1^
  -o foxhound1_debug.txt^
  -oe foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
  -on 1M^
  -sb 0^
  -x tcpip^
  -xs "http(dbn=f;log=C:\temp\foxhound_http_log.txt;lf=@T - @I - @U - @R - @L - @W - @E;lopt=all;lsize=1M;port=80;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600)"^
  -n f

Here's what the resulting output file C:\temp\foxhound_http_log.txt looks like:

11/13 15:18:23.771 - ::1 - / - 200 OK - 597 - 1.143 - 
11/13 15:18:23.845 - ::1 - /rroad_help_frame?f=foxhound_menu - 200 OK - 18319 - 0.065 - 
11/13 15:18:23.882 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=help.gif - 200 OK - 1261 - 0.010 - 
11/13 15:18:26.483 - ::1 - /rroad_menu - 200 OK - 43596 - 2.706 - 
11/13 15:18:26.498 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=foxhound_100_75_feathered.JPG - 200 OK - 3027 - 0.001 - 
11/13 15:18:26.499 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=help.gif - 200 OK - 1261 - 0.000 - 
11/13 15:18:28.195 - ::1 - /rroad_menu?zt=3&sf1=Automatic%20Refresh&z1=49751546-ba06-472d-84c1-7ec195de3ee2 - 200 OK - 43616 - 0.166 - 
11/13 15:18:28.209 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=help.gif - 200 OK - 1261 - 0.000 - 
11/13 15:18:28.209 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=foxhound_100_75_feathered.JPG - 200 OK - 3027 - 0.001 - 
11/13 15:18:29.399 - ::1 - /foxhound?t=rroad_monitor_database3&zi=4 - 200 OK - 618 - 0.010 - 
11/13 15:18:29.456 - ::1 - /rroad_help_frame?f=foxhound_monitor - 200 OK - 73640 - 0.025 - 
11/13 15:18:29.485 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=help.gif - 200 OK - 1261 - 0.001 - 
11/13 15:18:36.627 - ::1 - /rroad_monitor_database3?zi=4 - 200 OK - 40843 - 7.197 - 
11/13 15:18:36.671 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=help.gif - 200 OK - 1261 - 0.001 - 
11/13 15:18:38.449 - ::1 - /rroad_menu?zt=3&sf1=Automatic%20Refresh&z1=49751546-ba06-472d-84c1-7ec195de3ee2 - 200 OK - 43418 - 0.217 - 
11/13 15:18:38.464 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=foxhound_100_75_feathered.JPG - 200 OK - 3027 - 0.001 - 
11/13 15:18:38.470 - ::1 - /rroad_display_image?f=help.gif - 200 OK - 1261 - 0.001 - 

See also...
SQL Anywhere 12 Help - DatabaseName (DBN) protocol option
SQL Anywhere 12 Help - LogFile (LOG) protocol option
SQL Anywhere 12 Help - LogFormat protocol (LF) option
SQL Anywhere 12 Help - LogOptions (LOPT) protocol option
SQL Anywhere 12 Help - LogMaxSize (LSIZE) protocol option

This page was last updated on November 13, 2011. Foxhound 1.2 FAQ Home      Foxhound Home      RisingRoad