Message: ALERT ...
Explanation: An ALERT email is sent when one or more target database conditions match user-defined criteria.
Monitor Options Page
lets you turn alerts on and off and specify alert criteria for a particular target database. Individual criteria may
include a threshold amount and/or a duration or waiting period.
The "Recent alert history" section of an ALERT email is a list of recent ALERT, ALL CLEAR and CANCELLED conditions for this target database.
The "Recent sample history" section of an ALERT email shows what the Foxhound History page looks like when the alert was issued,
including blocked and current connections.
The sort order for the current connections section of an ALERT email depends on the alert condition, as follows:
Alert Email |
Connection Sort Order |
Connections Sorted On |
1 - Database unresponsive | descending | CPU Time |
2 - Long heartbeat | descending | CPU Time |
3 - Long sample time | descending | CPU Time |
4 - CPU usage | descending | CPU Time |
5 - Database disk space | descending | Disk Writes |
6 - Temp disk space | descending | Disk Writes |
7 - Log disk space | descending | Disk Writes |
8 - Other disk space | descending | Disk Writes |
9 - Arbiter unreachable | descending | CPU Time |
10 - Partner unreachable | descending | CPU Time |
11 - HA failover | descending | CPU Time |
12 - HA mode change | descending | CPU Time |
13 - File fragmentation | descending | Disk Writes |
14 - Waiting requests | descending | CPU Time |
15 - Incomplete I/Os | descending | Disk Writes |
16 - I/O operations | descending | Disk Writes |
17 - Checkpoint urgency | descending | Disk Writes |
18 - Recovery urgency | descending | Disk Writes |
19 - Cache size | descending | CPU Time |
20 - Cache satisfaction | ascending | Cache Satisfaction |
21 - Temp file usage | descending | Temp Space |
22 - Conn temp file usage | descending | Temp Space |
23 - Blocked connections | descending | Conns Blocked |
24 - Conn blocking others | descending | Conns Blocked |
25 - Locks | descending | Locks Held |
26 - Connections | descending | CPU Time |
27 - Connection CPU | descending | CPU Time |
28 - Long transaction | descending | Transaction Running Time |
29 - Cache panics | descending | Cache Satisfaction |
The Foxhound Options - Email Settings
page lets you specify general email settings.
See also...
Foxhound Options - Email Settings
Monitor Options Page