Help for Foxhound 1.1.3832a
Table of Contents [RisingRoad]
The History page looks just like the Monitor Database page, except...
you can see more data at one time, and
the display is not automatically refreshed.
The « Back to Menu link displays the main Foxhound menu page in the current browser window or tab.
The DSN: / Connection String: title shows the name of the DSN or Connection String that you used to connect to the target database. This identifies the "current target database", a term used in this Help.
If the target database GlobalDBId property is set to a non-default value, that value will be shown in (parentheses) after the DSN: or Connection String: title. This makes it easier to tell different remote databases apart in a replicating or synchronizing environment.
The Samples between / Sample at title shows the date/time range for all the samples that were available when this page was displayed.
The Monitor link opens the Monitor Database page for this sampling session in a new browser window or tab.
The Schema link opens the Display Schema page for this target database in a new browser window or tab.
The New Menu link opens the main Foxhound menu page in a new browser window or tab.
The Foxhound Options link opens the Foxhound Options page in a new browser window or tab.
Help link
is a context-sensitive link to this Help topic.
The About link opens the About Foxhound page in a new browser window or tab.
The button hides this Help frame from view, and brings it back.
« Newest - Scroll to the most recent samples for this database
Tip: Click on « Newest to scroll to the "new top". If sampling is running, new samples will continue to be gathered, and the History page won't automatically show them unless you scroll up.
‹ 100 - Scroll by 100 to more recent samples for this database
‹ 20 - Scroll by 20 to more recent samples for this database
‹ 1 - Scroll by 1 to more recent samples for this database
‹ Month - Scroll by one month to more recent samples for this database
‹ Week - Scroll by one week to more recent samples for this database
‹ Day - Scroll by one day to more recent samples for this database
‹ Hour - Scroll by one hour to more recent samples for this database
1 › - Scroll by 1 to older samples for this database
20 › - Scroll by 20 to older samples for this database
100 › - Scroll by 100 to older samples for this database
Oldest » - Scroll to the oldest sample for this database
Hour › - Scroll by one hour to older samples for this database
Day › - Scroll by one day to older samples for this database
Week › - Scroll by one week to older samples for this database
Month › - Scroll by one month to older samples for this database
The two-line date/time at the left tells you when this page was displayed.
The Server version: tells you what version of SQL Anywhere software was being used to run the target database when the Top Sample was recorded. This is based on the ProductVersion property.
The Database file version: shows the version and build number of the SQL Anywhere software that was used to initialize the target database file, as recorded with the Top Sample.
For database files created with SQL Anywhere Version 9 and higher this field is based on the SYSHISTORY table. For database files created with earlier versions (5.5 through 8) Foxhound uses a proprietary process to determine the value to display. For early versions and for databases that have had the upgrade utility run on them this value may be somewhat imprecise.
Was using n CPUs tells you how many CPUs were being used to run the target database when the Top Sample was recorded.
This field is based on the NumLogicalProcessorsUsed and NumProcessorsAvail properties.
The Was running for field tells you how long the target server had been running when the Top Sample was recorded. For example, 32d 7h 38m 23s means "32 days, 7 hours, 38 minutes and 23 seconds".
This field is based on the StartTime property.
The Cache was field tells you how much RAM the server was using for the database cache when the Top Sample was recorded, and how current cache size compared with the maximum.
These fields are based on the CurrentCacheSize and MaxCacheSize properties.
The Started at date/time tells you when the target server was started, relative to the computer on which Foxhound is running.
This field is based on the StartTime property.
SPs OK: YYY, NNN or some combination of Ys and Ns indicates whether or not Foxhound had deployed, and was using, these three stored procedure on the target database when the Top Sample was recorded: rroad_connection_properties, rroad_database_properties and rroad_engine_properties.
These stored procedures are used by Foxhound to improve the performance of the sampling process, but they are not absolutely required. If the user id that Foxhound uses to connect to the target database doesn't have the RESOURCE authority then Foxhound won't be able to CREATE these procedures on the target database.If SPs OK: isn't all Ys, try stopping and starting sampling to see if the Foxhound's inability to push these procedures to the target database was a transient condition. That won't affect the History display, just the gathering of future samples.
The Database file: field is the full file specification for the target database when the Top Sample was recorded.
This field is based on the File property.
The Top Sample section shows the topmost successful sample, if there is one.
A "successful sample" is one that actually shows performance data rather than a message like "Database server not found".
The Top Sample section consists of 5 or 6 lines:
The Age: line appears if the top sample is 15 seconds old or more.
The next line shows most of the sample data.
The Totals: line shows more information for some columns.
The rest of the color highlighting in this section is controlled by values in the Peaks section below it, as follows:
this color is used for sample values that are 50% as large as the corresponding peak value or larger, but haven't reached 80%.
For Cache Satisfaction and Index Satisfaction the thresholds are inverted: 20% or smaller and 50% or smaller.
Some small values are not highlighted at all, even if they exceed the 80%/50% thresholds:
Dashes "-" are displayed for omitted column values instead of empty spaces. This makes it clear which values are not available or not applicable, and it also makes the resulting text somewhat easier to read when you use copy-and-paste. For example, the "CPU Time" percentage appears as a dash "-" for the first sample because it can only be calculated for second and later samples.
Note: This use of dashes "-" does not apply to columns which have been entirely omitted because the data is not available for the version of SQL Anywhere being used for the target database; e.g., the "CPU Time" column does not appear at all for version 5 and 6 target databases.
The Top Sample column shows the date/time that Foxhound recorded the topmost successful sample.
The Interval column shows the actual time interval between the previous sample and this one.
Foxhound tries to record a new sample every 10 seconds but the actual interval can vary. A very long interval like 1h 19m 48s may indicate the computer was in standby mode.
Heartbeat, Sample Times:
The Sample Time shows how long it took for Foxhound to gather all the performance data for this sample. The sample time should always be longer than the heartbeat time, and it will grow longer with an increasing number of connections because of the extra work involved to analyze each sample.
The Heartbeat and Sample Time numbers are calculated by Foxhound; they are not based on any builtin SQL Anywhere properties.
The Conns column shows how many connections existed, with Foxhound itself counting as 1.
This number is based on the ConnCount property, and it may differ slightly from the number of connections shown in the connections detail section at the bottom of the page, because the ConnCount property and connection details are recorded at slightly different points in time.
The Executing, Idle, Waiting Conns columns show how many connections were executing, idle or waiting.
These numbers are based on the ReqStatus and RequestTiming properties, and they will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The Req column shows how many times the server has started processing a new request or resumed processing an existing request, during the preceding interval (+nnn) and since the target server was started.
A request is an atomic unit of work performed for a connection.
This number is based on the Req property.
Active Req, Max Req, Waiting Req:
Max Req is the maximum number of requests that could be processed at one time (the -gn option), and
Waiting Req shows the number of requests that were waiting to be processed.
A request is an atomic unit of work performed for a connection.
These numbers are based on the ActiveReq, MultiProgrammingLevel, Threads and UnschReq properties.
Locks Held, Conns Blocked:
Conns Blocked is the number of connections that were blocked.
These numbers are based on the LockCount and BlockedOn properties. The Conns Blocked column will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The CPU Time column shows three values:
the time used since the server started (nns), and
the percent used since the server started (nn% av).
These numbers are based on the following properties: NumLogicalProcessorsUsed, NumProcessorsAvail, NumProcessorsMax and ProcessCPU.
The Temp Space column shows the total amount of temporary space used by all the connections.
Temporary pages are used for many purposes, most often to hold intermediate results during query processing. Even if there is no temporary file, as with an in-memory no write database, temporary space is allocated and used by the engine.This column is based on the PageSize and TempFilePages properties, and it will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
Cache Panics, Low Memory, Satisfaction:
Low Memory is the number of times the target server had to change a query execution plan because cache memory ran low, in the previous interval (top number +nn) and since the server started (nn), and
Cache Satisfaction is the percentage of times a database page lookup was satisfied by the cache, in the previous interval (top number nn%) and since the server started (nn% av).
These numbers are based on the CacheHits, CachePanics, CacheRead and QueryLowMemoryStrategy properties.
The Active I/Os column shows the number of file I/O requests that had not yet been completed.
This column is based on the CurrIO property.
Checkpoint, Recovery Urgency:
Recovery Urgency is the estimated time required to recover the the database when restarting after an abnormal stoppage, expressed as a percentage of SET OPTION PUBLIC.recovery_time. The Recovery Urgency may exceed 100% if the database is being heavily modified.
These numbers are based on the CheckpointUrgency and RecoveryUrgency properties, and they are used by the target server to help decide when to take a checkpoint. They both increase monotonically until a checkpoint is taken, then drop to zero.
Checkpoints, Commits, Rollbacks:
Commits is the approximate total number of COMMIT operations that have been executed by all connections, in the previous interval (top number +nn) and since the server started (nn).
This number is approximate because a connection may issue a commit and disconnect between two Foxhound samples, and that commit won't be included in this total.
The total since the server started is reset to zero and accumulation starts over again when sampling is stopped and restarted. "Commits" is roughly the same as "transaction count" unless client connections issue a lot of redundant commits.
Rollbacks is the approximate total number of ROLLBACK operations that have been executed by all connections, in the previous interval (top number +nn) and since the server started (nn).
This number is approximate because a connection may issue a rollback and disconnect between two Foxhound samples, and that rollback won't be included in this total.
The total since the server started is reset to zero and accumulation starts over again when sampling is stopped and restarted.
These numbers are based on the Chkpt, Commit and Rlbk properties. The Commits and Rollbacks columns will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The DB File Frags column is the number of file fragments in the SYSTEM dbspace file.
This column is based on the DBFileFragments property.
Free Disk Space - Sys, Temp, Log, Other:
The Temp column shows the amount of free space in the temporary file.
The Log column shows the amount of free space in the transaction log file.
The Other column shows the smallest amount of free space available in any of the secondary (non-SYSTEM dbspace) database files.
These numbers are based on the properties returned by the sa_disk_free_space procedure. The Log column will be empty for an in-memory database, and the Other column will be empty for any database that doesn't have any secondary database files.
Disk Reads, Writes:
Disk Writes is the number of modified pages that have been written to disk, in the previous interval (top number +nn) and since the server started (nn).
These numbers are based on the DiskRead and DiskWrite properties.
The Log Writes column shows the number of pages that have been written to the transaction log, in the previous interval (top number +nn) and since the server started (nn).
This column is based on the LogWrite property.
Index Adds, Lookups, Satisfaction:
Index Lookups is the number of times an entry has been looked up in an index, in the previous interval (top number +nn) and since the server started (nn), and
Index Satisfaction is the percentage of times that an index lookup was satisfied by the index without having to retrieve more information from the table data, in the previous interval (top number nn%) and since the server started (nn% av). This is also called "Index Selectivity".
These numbers are based on the IndAdd, IndLookup and FullCompare properties.
Full Index Comps shows how many times additional information had to be obtained from the table data in order to satisfy an index lookup, in the previous interval (top number +nn) and since the server started (nn).
This number is based on the FullCompare property.
Bytes In / Out:
Bytes Out is the total amount of data sent by the server to client connections, in the previous interval (top number +nnk) and since the server started (nnk).
These numbers are based on the BytesReceived and BytesSent properties.
The Peaks section consists of a single line of peak values, where "peak" means "largest" for most values, and "smallest" for the Cache Satisfaction and Index Satisfaction percentages.
Not every column has a peak shown; e.g., there are no peaks recorded for the Free Disk Space columns.
The Peaks section on the History page looks the same as the Peaks section on the Monitor Database page. What you see in both places are the peak values as they were recorded when the page is displayed. For example, clicking on Reset Peaks on the Monitor Database page will affect what you see on the next History page display.
The Peaks section will disappear from the History page if you scroll back prior to the "Peaks since" timestamp. That's because the peaks don't have any meaning for samples recorded prior to the first peak being recorded.
Clicking on a link in the Peaks section will scroll the History page to that sample in the current browser window or tab, rather than opening a new window.
If a peak isn't shown as a hyperlink, the corresponding sample data may have been deleted by the background purge process. See the Foxhound Options page for more information on purging sample data.
Some peak values are displayed as rates (e.g., bytes per second nn/s) rather than counts or amounts like nnk.
The reason for this is that the interval between samples can vary, and a true comparison of "larger versus smaller" should take that into account. For example, a server that sent Bytes Out of 5M in an 8 second interval was actually busier than one that sent 6M in a 12 second interval (as far as Bytes Out was concerned).
Peak values are used to determine almost all of the color highlighting in the other sections (Top Sample and Recent Samples) above and below the Peaks section, as follows:
this color is used for sample values that are 50% as large as the corresponding peak value or larger, but haven't reached 80%.
For Cache Satisfaction and Index Satisfaction the thresholds are inverted: 20% or smaller and 50% or smaller.
Some small values are not highlighted at all, even if they exceed the 80%/50% thresholds:
The Peaks since link identifies the earliest sample that was used to compute peak values.
This will be the first sample ever recorded for this database, or the first sample recorded after the most recent pressing of the button.You can click on this link to open the History page in a separate browser window or tab, scrolled to this sample.
If the Peaks since timestamp isn't shown as a hyperlink, the corresponding sample data may have been deleted by the background purge process. See the Foxhound Options page for more information on purging sample data.
The Heartbeat, Sample Times peaks
Sample time shows the longest time it took for Foxhound to gather all the performance data for this sample.
The Heartbeat and Sample time numbers are calculated by Foxhound; they are not based on any builtin SQL Anywhere properties.
The Conns peak shows the largest number of connections that existed.
This number is based on the ConnCount property.
The Executing, Idle, Waiting Conns peaks show the largest numbers of connections that were executing, idle or waiting.
These numbers are based on the ReqStatus and RequestTiming properties, and they will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The Req peak shows highest rate at which the server started processing a new request or resumed processing an existing request.
A request is an atomic unit of work performed for a connection.
This number based on the Req property.
Active Req, Max Req, Waiting Req peaks:
Max Req is the largest maximum number of requests that could be processed at one time (the -gn option), and
Waiting Req shows the largest number of requests that were waiting to be processed.
A request is an atomic unit of work performed for a connection.
These numbers are based on the ActiveReq, MultiProgrammingLevel, Threads and UnschReq properties.
Locks Held, Conns Blocked peaks:
Conns Blocked is the largest number of connections that were blocked.
These numbers are based on the LockCount and BlockedOn properties.The Conns Blocked column will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The CPU Time peak shows the largest percentage of CPU time used during a single interval.
This number is based on the following properties: NumLogicalProcessorsUsed, NumProcessorsAvail, NumProcessorsMax and ProcessCPU.
The Temp Space peak shows the largest amount of temporary space used by all the connections.
Temporary pages are used for many purposes, most often to hold intermediate results during query processing. Even if there is no temporary file, as with an in-memory no write database, temporary space is allocated and used by the engine.This column is based on the PageSize and TempFilePages properties, and it will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
Cache Panics, Low Memory, Satisfaction peaks:
Low Memory is the highest rate at which the target server had to change a query execution plan because cache memory ran low, and
Cache Satisfaction is the lowest percentage of times a database page lookup was satisfied by the cache.
These numbers are based on the CacheHits, CachePanics, CacheRead and QueryLowMemoryStrategy properties.
The Active I/Os peak shows the highest number of file I/O requests that had not yet been completed.
This column is based on the CurrIO property.
Checkpoint, Recovery Urgency peaks:
Recovery Urgency is the highest estimated time required to recover the the database when restarting after an abnormal stoppage, expressed as a percentage of SET OPTION PUBLIC.recovery_time, that was reached in any sample.
These numbers are based on the CheckpointUrgency and RecoveryUrgency properties, and they are used by the target server to help decide when to take a checkpoint. They both increase monotonically until a checkpoint is taken, then drop to zero.
Checkpoints, Commits, Rollbacks peaks:
Commits is the highest rate at which COMMIT operations were executed, and
Rollbacks is the highest rate at which ROLLBACK operations were executed.
These numbers are based on the Chkpt, Commit and Rlbk properties.The Commits and Rollbacks columns will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The DB File Frags peak is the largest number of file fragments in the SYSTEM dbspace file.
This column is based on the DBFileFragments property.
Disk Reads, Writes peaks:
Disk Writes is the highest rate at which modified pages were written to disk.
These numbers are based on the DiskRead and DiskWrite properties.
The Log Writes peak shows the highest rate at which pages that have been written to the transaction log.
This column is based on the LogWrite property.
Index Adds, Lookups, Satisfaction peaks:
Index Lookups is the highest rate at which entries were looked up in an index, and
Index Satisfaction is the lowest percentage of times that an index lookup was satisfied by the index without having to retrieve more information from the table data.
These numbers are based on the IndAdd, IndLookup and FullCompare properties.
Full Index Comps shows the highest rate at which additional information had to be obtained from the table data in order to satisfy an index lookup.
This number is based on the FullCompare property.
Bytes In / Out peaks:
Bytes Out is the highest rate at which data was sent by the server to client connections.
These numbers are based on the BytesReceived and BytesSent properties.
The Samples section on the History page looks the same as the Recent Samples section on the Monitor Database page, except that 100 samples are displayed instead of 10.
Alert and All Clear messages also appear in this section, as well as messages that tell you when sampling was not successful; e.g., "Database server not found" and "Foxhound stopped".
The color highlighting in this section is controlled by values in the Peaks section above it, as follows:
This color is used for sample values that are 50% as large as the corresponding peak value or larger, but haven't reached 80%.
For Cache Satisfaction and Index Satisfaction the thresholds are inverted: 20% or smaller and 50% or smaller.
Some small values are not highlighted at all, even if they exceed the 80%/50% thresholds:
The Recent Samples link shows the date/time that Foxhound recorded this sample.
You can click on this link to open the History page in a separate browser window or tab, scrolled to this sample.
The Interval column shows the actual time interval between the previous sample and this one.
Foxhound tries to record a new sample every 10 seconds but the actual interval can vary. A very long interval like 1h 19m 48s may indicate the computer was in standby mode.
Heartbeat, Sample Times:
Sample time shows how long it took for Foxhound to gather all the performance data for this sample. This number will probably be a bit larger than the heartbeat time, but it should still be very small unless there are a large number of connections to analyze.
The Heartbeat and Sample time numbers are calculated by Foxhound; they are not based on any builtin SQL Anywhere properties.
The Conns column shows how many connections existed, with Foxhound itself counting as 1.
This number is based on the ConnCount property, and it may differ slightly from the number of connections shown in the connections detail section at the bottom of the page, because the ConnCount property and connection details are recorded at slightly different points in time.
The Executing, Idle, Waiting Conns columns show how many connections were executing, idle or waiting.
These numbers are based on the ReqStatus and RequestTiming properties, and they will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The Req column shows the rate at which the server started processing a new request or resumed processing an existing request during the preceding interval.
A request is an atomic unit of work performed for a connection.
This number is based on the Req property.
Active Req, Max Req, Waiting Req:
Max Req is the maximum number of requests that could be processed at one time (the -gn option), and
Waiting Req shows the number of requests that were waiting to be processed.
A request is an atomic unit of work performed for a connection.
These numbers are based on the ActiveReq, MultiProgrammingLevel, Threads and UnschReq properties.
Locks Held, Conns Blocked:
Conns Blocked is the number of connections that were blocked.
These numbers are based on the LockCount and BlockedOn properties.The Conns Blocked column will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The CPU Time column shows the percentage of CPU time used during the preceding interval.
This number is based on the following properties: NumLogicalProcessorsUsed, NumProcessorsAvail, NumProcessorsMax and ProcessCPU.
The Temp Space column shows the total amount of temporary file space used by all the connections.
Temporary pages are used for many purposes, most often to hold intermediate results during query processing. Even if there is no temporary file, as with an in-memory no write database, temporary space is allocated and used by the engine.This column is based on the PageSize and TempFilePages properties, and it will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
Cache Panics, Low Memory, Satisfaction:
Low Memory is the rate at which the target server had to change a query execution plan because cache memory ran low in the previous interval, and
Cache Satisfaction is the percentage of times a database page lookup was satisfied by the cache in the previous interval.
These numbers are based on the CacheHits, CachePanics, CacheRead and QueryLowMemoryStrategy properties.
The Active I/Os column shows the number of file I/O requests that had not yet been completed.
This column is based on the CurrIO property.
Checkpoint, Recovery Urgency:
Recovery Urgency is the estimated time required to recover the the database when restarting after an abnormal stoppage, expressed as a percentage of SET OPTION PUBLIC.recovery_time. The Recovery Urgency may exceed 100% if the database is being heavily modified.
These numbers are based on the CheckpointUrgency and RecoveryUrgency properties, and they are used by the target server to help decide when to take a checkpoint. They both increase monotonically until a checkpoint is taken, then drop to zero.
Checkpoints, Commits, Rollbacks:
Commits is the approximate rate at which COMMIT operations were performed in the previous interval.
This number is approximate because a connection may issue a commit and disconnect between two Foxhound samples, and that commit won't be counted in this rate.
"Commits" is roughly the same as "transaction count" unless client connections issue a lot of redundant commits.
Rollbacks is the approximate rate at which ROLLBACK operations were performed in the previous interval.
This number is approximate because a connection may issue a rollback and disconnect between two Foxhound samples, and that rollback won't be counted in this rate.
These numbers are based on the Chkpt, Commit and Rlbk properties.The Commits and Rollbacks columns will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.
The DB File Frags column is the number of file fragments in the SYSTEM dbspace file.
This column is based on the DBFileFragments property.
Free Disk Space - Sys, Temp, Log, Other:
The Temp column shows the amount of free space in the temporary file.
The Log column shows the amount of free space in the transaction log file.
The Other column shows the smallest amount of free space available in any of the secondary (non-SYSTEM dbspace) database files.
These numbers are based on the properties returned by the sa_disk_free_space procedure.The Log column will be empty for an in-memory database, and the Other column will be empty for any database that doesn't have any secondary database files.
Disk Reads, Writes:
Disk Writes is the rate at which modified pages were written to disk in the previous interval.
These numbers are based on the DiskRead and DiskWrite properties.
The Log Writes column shows the rate at which pages were written to the transaction log in the previous interval.
This column is based on the LogWrite property.
Index Adds, Lookups, Satisfaction:
Index Lookups is the rate at which entries were looked up in an indexes in the previous interval, and
Index Satisfaction is the percentage of times that an index lookup was satisfied by the index without having to retrieve more information from the table data in the previous interval. This is also called "Index Selectivity".
These numbers are based on the IndAdd, IndLookup and FullCompare properties.
Full Index Comps shows the rate at which additional information had to be obtained from the table data in order to satisfy an index lookup, in the previous interval.
This number is based on the FullCompare property.
Bytes In / Out:
Bytes Out is the rate data was sent by the server to client connections in the previous interval.
These numbers are based on the BytesReceived and BytesSent properties.
The Blocked Connection section displays blocked connections as they existed when the Top Sample was recorded. This section looks the same as the Blocked Connections section on the Monitor Database page, except
a resizable, scrollable frame is used instead of a fixed box, and
you can scroll this section if there are more than 100 blocked connections.
This section will be empty if no blocked connections existed when the Top Sample was recorded, or if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.The greyed-out arrow to the left of the Waiting Time column title indicates that entries in this section are sorted in decreasing order by the Waiting Time column, and that this choice of sort order is fixed.
The Blocked Statement column contains the SQL statement the blocked connection was trying to execute.
This column is based on the LastStatement property.
The Waiting Time is the length of time the blocked connection has been waiting for the blocked statement to execute.
This number is based on the LastReqTime property.
The Reason... column describes what kinds of locks are causing the block.
This value is based on columns returned by sa_locks.
The Locked Row Query... is a SELECT statement you can copy and paste into dbisql to find the row in the target database that is locked.
This column is based on the LockName property and the sa_locks.row_identifier column.
The Blocked Connection... columns identify the connection that is blocked by a lock:
Conn # is the connection number of the blocked connection.
The server assigns a unique connection number to each connection started since the server started. Recent versions of SQL Anywhere assign small numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) to external client connectins, and large numbers to events and web services.
IP Addr is the network IP address of the blocked connection; e.g.,
Conn Name is the connection name of the blocked connection.
You can use the CON= connection parameter to assign a name to a client connection. Foxhound's own connections have names like Foxhound_p001, Foxhound_p002, etc. If no connection name is explicitly specified for a client connection, SQL Anywhere will assign a name like SQL_DBC_c657ef0. Event connections have the event name assigned as connection name, and web services use the service name.
These columns are based on the Userid, Number, NodeAddress and Name properties.
The Blocked by... columns identify the connection that is holding the lock causing the block:
Conn # is the connection number of the blocking connection.
The server assigns a unique connection number to each connection started since the server started. Recent versions of SQL Anywhere assign small numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) to external client connectins, and large numbers to events and web services.
IP Addr is the network IP address of the blocking connection; e.g.,
Conn Name is the connection name of the blocking connection.
You can use the CON= connection parameter to assign a name to a client connection. Foxhound's own connections have names like Foxhound_p001, Foxhound_p002, etc. If no connection name is explicitly specified for a client connection, SQL Anywhere will assign a name like SQL_DBC_c657ef0. Event connections have the event name assigned as connection name, and web services use the service name.
These columns are based on the Userid, Number, NodeAddress and Name properties.
The Blocked by Transaction Running Time is the length of time a transaction has been running on the blocking connection.
This number is based on the TransactionStartTime property.
The Connections section shows connections as they existed when the Top Sample was recorded. This section looks the same as the Connections section on the Monitor Database page, except
you can scroll this section if there are more than 100 connections.
This section will be empty if connection details are not being recorded; see Foxhound Options - Connection sampling threshold.The up or down arrow to the left of a single column title indicates that entries in this section are sorted in ascending or decreasing order by that column. Click on that column title to change the direction of that sort (ascending to or from descending), or click on a different column title to sort the entries by that column.
The tie-breaker sort column is Conn #; if multiple entries in this section have the same value in the selected sort column, those entries are sorted in ascending order by Connection Number.
Note: If you add up the connection-level figures like "Req" you might not get the same number as shown in the server-level "Req" column.
That's because the connection-level and server-level statistics are recorded at slightly different times, and one value might lag behind the other.
The User Id / Conn # / IP Addr / Conn Name columns identify each connection:
Conn # is the connection number of the connection.
The server assigns a unique connection number to each connection started since the server started. Recent versions of SQL Anywhere assign small numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) to external client connectins, and large numbers to events and web services.
IP Addr is the network IP address of the client side of the connection; e.g.,
Conn Name is the connection name of the connection.
You can use the CON= connection parameter to assign a name to a client connection. Foxhound's own connections have names like Foxhound_p001, Foxhound_p002, etc. If no connection name is explicitly specified for a client connection, SQL Anywhere will assign a name like SQL_DBC_c657ef0. Event connections have the event name assigned as connection name, and web services use the service name.
These columns are based on the Userid, Number, NodeAddress and Name properties.
The Req column shows how many times the server has started processing a new request or resumed processing an existing request for this connection since it started.
A request is an atomic unit of work performed for a connection.
This number is based on the Req property.
The Current Req Status shows whether this connection was Idle, Waiting for thread, Waiting for I/O, Waiting for shared resource, Blocked by lock or Executing.
This column is based on the ReqStatus property.
The Blocked by Conn # column shows the connection number of the connection that is blocking this one.
This column is based on the BlockedOn property.
The Locks Held, Conns Blocked columns show how many locks are held and how many other connections are blocked by this connection.
These columns are based on the LockCount and BlockedOn properties.
The CPU Time column shows how much CPU time has been used by this connection since it started.
This number is based on the ApproximateCPUTime property.
Temp Space, Rollback Log, Uncommitted:
Temporary pages are used for many purposes, most often to hold intermediate results during query processing. Even if there is no temporary file, as with an in-memory no write database, temporary space is allocated and used by the engine.
Rollback Log shows how much space in the rollback log is currently used by this connection.
Uncommitted shows how many operations have been performed by this connection but not yet committed.
These numbers are based on the PageSize, TempFilePages, RollbackLogPages and UncommitOp properties.
Low Memory, Cache Satisfaction:
Cache Satisfaction is the percentage of times since this connection started that a database page lookup for this connection was satisfied by the cache.
These numbers are based on the QueryLowMemoryStrategy, CacheHits and CacheRead properties.
Time Connected is the elapsed time since this connection was established.
This number is based on the LoginTime property.
The Total Waits, Waiting Time columns show how many times and for how long this connection has been blocked or forced to wait.
These numbers are based on the following properties: ReqCountBlockContention, ReqCountBlockIO, ReqCountBlockLock, ReqCountUnscheduled, ReqTimeBlockContention, ReqTimeBlockIO, ReqTimeBlockLock and ReqTimeUnscheduled.
Transaction Running Time is the length of time a transaction has been running on this connection.
This number is based on the TransactionStartTime property.
Time Since Last Request is the elapsed time since the last time a request was started for this connection.
This number is based on the LastReqTime property.
The Last Statement... column contains last SQL statement this connection was executing.
This column is based on the LastStatement property.
Isolation Level shows the current isolation level for this connection. Note that a connection can change the isolation level dynamically, for any particular query and even for part of a query.
This column is based on the IsolationLevel property.
Client Requests, Time:
Client Request Time is the total time spent processing those requests.
These numbers are based on the RequestsReceived and ReqTimeActive properties.
Total, Current Prepares:
Current Prepares is the number of prepared statements currenly being maintained by the server for this connection.
These numbers are based on the Prepares and PrepStmt properties.
Commits, Rollbacks are the total numbers of commit and rollback requests that have been handled by the server for this connection since it started.
These numbers are based on the Commit and Rlbk properties.
Disk Reads, Writes
Disk Writes is the total number of modified pages that have been written to disk for this connection since it started.
These numbers are based on the DiskRead and DiskWrite properties.
Log Writes is the total number of pages that have been written to the transaction log for this connection since it started.
This number is based on the LogWrite property.
Index Adds, Lookups, Satisfaction:
Index Lookups is the rate at which entries were looked up in an indexes for this connection since it started, and
Index Satisfaction is the percentage of times that an index lookup was satisfied by the index without having to retrieve more information from the table data for this connection since it started. This is also called "Index Selectivity".
These numbers are based on the IndAdd, IndLookup and FullCompare properties.
Full Index Comps shows how many times additional information had to be obtained from the table data in order to satisfy an index lookup, for this connection since it started.
This number is based on the FullCompare property.
Bytes In / Out:
Bytes Out is the total amount of data sent by the server from the client for this connection since it started.
These numbers are based on the BytesReceived and BytesSent properties.