Question: How do I start multiple copies of Foxhound on a single computer?
Activate your original copy of the Foxhound database as an Extended Edition copy,
shut down your original copy of the Foxhound database,
make 9 file copies of your original foxhound1.db file in nine different folders,
start your original copy of the Foxhound database, and
use dbsrv11.exe to start the nine copies using different runtime server names: foxhound1b through foxhound1j
By default, Foxhound is installed in this location on Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RisingRoad\Foxhound1
and on Vista and Windows 7 it is here:
Here is a sample Windows command file that makes the 9 copies in nine different folders and then starts all 10 copies of Foxhound:
REM ******************************************************************
ECHO Making nine Foxhound database copies...
MD b
MD c
MD d
MD e
MD f
MD g
MD h
MD i
MD j
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db b
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll b
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db c
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll c
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db d
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll d
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db e
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll e
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db f
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll f
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db g
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll g
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db h
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll h
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db i
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll i
COPY /V /Y foxhound1.db j
COPY /V /Y rroad1.dll j
REM ******************************************************************
ECHO Starting ten Foxhound engines...
REM Maintenance Note: When making changes to the dbsrv11.exe command
REM line, check all the command files which execute dbsrv11.exe:
REM $backup_foxhound1.bat
REM $start_foxhound1_engine.bat
REM $start_foxhound1_firefox.bat
REM $start_foxhound1_firefox_debug.bat
REM $start_foxhound1_ie.bat
REM $start_foxhound1_ie_debug.bat
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1 -o foxhound1_debug.txt -oe foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49201) -xd -xs http(port=49301;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\b\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\b\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1b -o b\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe b\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49202) -xd -xs http(port=49302;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) b\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\c\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\c\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1c -o c\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe c\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49203) -xd -xs http(port=49303;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) c\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\d\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\d\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1d -o d\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe d\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49204) -xd -xs http(port=49304;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) d\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\e\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\e\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1e -o e\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe e\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49205) -xd -xs http(port=49305;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) e\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\f\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\f\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1f -o f\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe f\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49206) -xd -xs http(port=49306;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) f\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\g\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\g\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1g -o g\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe g\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49207) -xd -xs http(port=49307;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) g\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\h\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\h\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1h -o h\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe h\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49208) -xd -xs http(port=49308;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) h\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\i\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\i\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1i -o i\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe i\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49209) -xd -xs http(port=49309;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) i\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dbsrv11_failure
IF EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\j\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" DEL /F /Q "%FOXHOUND1%\j\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
"%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY11%\Bin32\dbsrv11.exe" -c 5p -ch 10p -cr- -gk all -gn 120^
-n foxhound1j -o j\foxhound1_debug.txt -oe j\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt^
-on 10M -qn -sb 0 -x tcpip(port=49210) -xd -xs http(port=49310;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600) j\foxhound1.db -n f
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( GOTO dbsrv11_failure ) ELSE ( GOTO dbsrv11_success )
ECHO ******************************************************************
ECHO *** ERROR ********************************************************
ECHO *** dbspawn/dbsrv11 set ERRORLEVEL = %ERRORLEVEL%
ECHO *** To display startup diagnostics,
IF NOT EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" ( GOTO file_does_not_exist ) ELSE ( GOTO file_exists )
REM ******************************************************************
ECHO *** No startup diagnostics are available.
GOTO end
REM ******************************************************************
TYPE "%FOXHOUND1%\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
GOTO end
REM ******************************************************************
IF NOT EXIST "%FOXHOUND1%\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt" ( GOTO end ) ELSE ( GOTO display_file )
ECHO ******************************************************************
ECHO *** ERROR ********************************************************
ECHO *** To display startup diagnostics,
TYPE "%FOXHOUND1%\foxhound1_debug_startup.txt"
GOTO end
REM ******************************************************************
ECHO All done...
See also...
How do I start Foxhound?
How do I tell Foxhound to use an HTTP port other than 80?