Help for Foxhound 1.3738b

Table of Contents    [RisingRoad]

5. The Foxhound Options Page

The Foxhound Options page lets you change a variety of Foxhound settings and perform a variety of Foxhound-specific tasks.

Settings in this page are global in nature: any changes you make will apply to all Foxhound users and sessions running on this copy of the Foxhound engine.

5.1 The Foxhound Options Menu

5.2 Show the Help

5.3 Email Settings

5.4 Connection Sampling Threshold

5.5 Connection Timeout

5.6 Timeout Retry

5.7 Purge Sample Data

5.8 Export Samples

5.9 Diagnostics

5.10 Stop - Refresh - Close

5.1 The Foxhound Options Menu    [Top]

The New Menu link opens the Foxhound Menu page in a new browser window or tab.

The Help link is a context-sensitive link to this Help topic.

The About link opens the About Foxhound page in a new browser window or tab.

The button hides this Help frame from view, and brings it back.

5.2 Show the Help    [Top]

The checkbox Show the Help frame on the right side by default changes Foxhound's behavior whenever a new page is opened: if checked, Foxhound will initially show the right-hand Help frame. If unchecked, Foxhound will not initially show the right-hand Help frame. It doesn't affect pages that are already open, just what happens for new pages.

You must click on the button if you want the checkbox setting value to be saved (not this fake button, but the real one on the Foxhound Options page :)

5.3 Email Settings    [Top]

The Send Alert emails: checkbox specifies whether or not you want emails to be sent whenever one or more alert criteria are met. You can change this value for individual target databases by using the Alerts Criteria page.

Use Email address(es) for Alerts: field to specify one or more email addresses, separated by semicolons, that are to receive the email alerts. You can change this value for individual target databases by using the Alerts Criteria page.

Click on the Use HTML in emails: checkbox if you want the email alerts to be formatted using HTML. You can change this value for individual target databases by using the Alerts Criteria page.

The Host[:port] for URLs in emails: field may be used to specify where the Foxhound web server is located relative to the computer receiving the emails, so that HTML links pointing to Foxhound History pages from inside the email alerts can find the right web pages. The default is localhost which works if the emails are being received on the same computer that's running Foxhound. If you start Foxhound on some port other than 80, you can specify a value like localhost:12345. If Foxhound is running on a different computer you'll have to change localhost to that computer's domain name or IP address; e.g., You can change this value for individual target databases by using the Alerts Criteria page.

Click on Use SMTP to send emails radio button to specify that SMTP will be used to send all alert emails, instead of MAPI.

The SMTP Sender: holds the email address of the sender; e.g., will appear in the email "from" field as Foxhound Alert

The SMTP Server: is a server domain name or IP address of the SMTP server; e.g.,

The SMTP Port: specifies the TCP/IP port to use for SMTP messages.

The SMTP Timeout: specifies how long to wait, in seconds, before giving up on an attempt to send an email. The Foxhound Database Monitor sents email alerts asynchronously so a long timeout doesn't adversely affect the monitoring process. However, the Send Test Email button does work synchronously; i.e., it waits until the email is send, so you can use it to determine how long the timeout should be.

The SMTP Authorization User Name: holds the user name when the SMTP server requires authentication.

The SMTP Authorization Password: holds the password when the SMTP server requires authentication. Strong encryption is used to store this value in the Foxhound database, and the value is not redisplayed on this page. In other words, this field is input-only; just because it's empty doesn't necessarilymean there's no password stored.

Click on Use MAPI to send emails radio button to specify that MAPI will be used to send all alert emails, instead of SMTP.

The MAPI User Name: holds the MAPI login name; e.g.,

The MAPI Password: holds the MAPI login password. Strong encryption is used to store this value in the Foxhound database, and the value is not redisplayed on this page. In other words, this field is input-only; just because it's empty doesn't necessarilymean there's no password stored.

You must click on the button if you want the email settings to be saved.

The button may be used to erase the values currently stored in SMTP Authorization User Name and the SMTP Authorization Password. This button is necessary if you switch from using an SMTP server that requires authorization to one that doesn't; Foxhound doesn't redisplay the values entered in those fields so you can't just "blank them out" to erase them, you have to press this button.

The button may be used to check that the email settings are correct.

The Test result: field will display OK if the test email was sent ok, or an error message if there was a problem. However, you should also check that the email was received at the other end; just because a message was sent doesn't mean it will actually arrive.

5.4 Connection Sampling Threshold   [Top]

The Connection sampling threshold... radio buttons let you specify when (and if) Foxhound will stop recording detail information about individual connections. Here are your choices:

You must click on the button if you want the new Connection sampling threshold... value to be saved.

The new value takes effect immediately, for all sampling sessions, as soon as you save it.

Here are the main reasons you might want to set a threshold other than All:

The threshold is an "all or nothing" setting. I.e., if you set a threshold other than zero or All, Foxhound will stop gathering any detail information about any connections when the ConnCount database property exceeds the threshold. When ConnCount drops back to the threshold or lower, Foxhound will start gathering detail information about all the connections again.

Note that ConnCount is retrieved before the detail connection information so there may be a change in the number of connections by the time the detail information is retrieved. For example, if you set the threshold to 100, you may see detail information about more than 100 connections for a short period if new connections are being created.

5.5 Connection Timeout    [Top]

The Connection timeout: radio buttons control how long the Foxhound Monitor will wait for a response when trying to connect to a target database:

You must click on the button if you want the new Connection timeout: value to be saved.

Most connection attempts either succeed or fail right away, and the Foxhound Monitor normally keeps trying to connect if it fails so that sampling can begin or resume as soon as a connection is possible.

Sometimes, however, an attempt to connect to a target database located far away on a WAN will take a very long time to receive a response if the connection fails. In some of these cases, the Foxhound engine is blocked from doing other work while waiting to receive the failed response, and this causes problems if the Foxhound Monitor keeps repeating this long wait while trying to monitor other databases at the same time.

In cases like this, it may be better to run the Foxhound engine on a computer that is located physically close to the target database server and communicates over a LAN rather than WAN. For more information on this topic see the Help section Introduction and Setup - Running Foxhound as a Service.

The connection timeout facility is provided to stop the Foxhound Monitor from continuously trying to connect to a database when the failure-to-connect response takes a long time. When a timeout occurs, Foxhound will stop trying to connect just as if you clicked on Cancel Request or Stop Sampling, and it will not try to connect again until you tell it Start Sampling or the Timeout Retry period has elapsed.

If you get a lot of false timeouts, try the 1 minute setting.

If you are only monitoring one database, the never timeout is probably best: Foxhound's problems with long waits for failure-to-connect responses are not important, and sampling will begin as soon as the Foxhound Monitor is able to connect.

See also 5.4 Timeout Retry.

5.6 Timeout Retry    [Top]

The Timeout retry: radio buttons control how long the Foxhound Monitor will wait after sampling is stopped by a connection timeout before trying to connect to the target database and start sampling again:

You must click on the button if you want the new Timeout retry: value to be saved.

When a timeout occurs, sampling is stopped and Foxhound no longer attempts to connect to the target database. Normally, when sampling is stopped, it can only be restarted manually. A connection timeout, however, is a special case: the timeout retry interval is a mechanism to automatically restart sampling without manual intervention.

For more information about connection timeouts, see 5.3 Connection Timeout.

5.7 Purge Sample Data    [Top]

The Purge sample data: radio buttons how soon old Monitor sample data will be deleted:

You must click on the button if you want the new Purge sample data: value to be saved.

Foxhound's internal purge process runs every 20 minutes while the Foxhound engine is running.

The Note: line tells you a bit about the Foxhound database itself:

In order to keep the purge process from interfering with Foxhound performance it is limited in the number of samples it can delete each time it runs. This means several runs of the purge process may be required to delete all the old data, and the amount of free space may not grow as fast as might otherwise be expected.

5.8 Export Samples    [Top]

At the present time, the Foxhound database is not open for ad-hoc queries. However, support from RisingRoad is available, and the Export Samples feature is an alternative to sending in the entire Foxhound database.

The Export samples for database: field lets you pick which sample session is to be exported.

The To folder: field lets you enter the destination folder. The folder must exist.

Click on the button to write the following export files to the folder:

If the files exist, they will be overwritten.

5.9 Diagnostics    [Top]

If Foxhound encounters a run-time exception, it may store diagnostic information in an internal table. Foxhound also stores some informational messages in this table.

The button lets you display the most recent diagnostic data in reverse order by timestamp.

The Export diagnostics to file: field and the button let you write all the diagnostic data, sorted by timestamp. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.

The button lets you delete the diagnostic data from the Foxhound database.

If all three Diagnostics buttons are disabled, it means there is no diagnostic data to display.

Note: If you upgrade Foxhound to a new build, the data upgrade process will copy all the existing diagnostic data from the old database to the new one.

5.10 Stop - Refresh - Close    [Top]

The button will stop the Foxhound database engine.

The Stop Foxhound Engine button is disabled when the SQL Anywhere network server dbsrv11.exe is being used to run the Foxhound database, as opposed to the SQL Anywhere personal server dbeng11.exe.

The button will refresh the Foxhound Options page with new data.

The button will close the Foxhound Options browser window or tab.

